Friday, March 27, 2020

CrossFit MPH – WOD


--MPH Outside The Box Scores--
Alex H.: 26, 21, 21 - 40 (35-45-lb. backpack; sub: 1 1/4 goblet squat, elevated atomic)
Matt H.: 21, 16, 17 - 37 (30-45-lb. backpack; sub: 1 1/4 goblet squat, floor atomic)
Daniel H.: 23, 21, 21 - 46 (25-lb. dbs, 25-lb. db; sub: front squat)
Anna G.: 25, 23, 21 - 40 (15-lb. dbs; sub; sub: 1 1/4 front squat, knee atomic)
Anu B.: 26, 20, 18 - 43 (45-lb. db, 35-lb. db)
Will H.: 25, 22, 20 - 27 (sub: air squat w 5" hold, floor atomic)
Morgan W.: 27, 14, 30 - 47 (35-lb. db; sub: 1 1/4 goblet quat, weight glute bridge, set 3)
Kate G.: 30, 30, 30 - 52 (50-lb. db, 20-lb. dbs; sub: 1 1/4 goblet squat, two-db snatch)
David C.: 23, 20, 18 - 50 (15-lb. dbs; sub: 1 1/4 front squat, two-db snatch)
Walt C.: 25, 25, 25 - 38 (20-lb. backpack; sub; 1 1/4 goblet quat, floor atomic)
Ty C.: 25, 25, 25 - 34 (sub: air squat w 5" hold, floor atomic)
Alex S.: 30, 10, 15 - 60 (20-lb. dbs; sub: 1 1/4 front squat, seated shoulder press)
Michael H.: 30, 24, 18 - 61 (35-lb. dbs)
Joe T.: 30, 30, 30 - 71 (40-lb. dbs)
Andrew Z.: 30, 22, 30 - 58 (40-lb. dbs; sub: 1" pause at bottom of squat)
Will A.: 18, 25, 21 - 38 (20-lb. dbs; sub: 2-db ground to overhead part 2)
Diana D.: 30, 30, 30 - 60 (backpack; sub: backpack ground to overhead part 2)
Matei D.: 20, 20, 20 - 61 (backpack; sub: backpack ground to overhead part 2)
Alli P.: 30, 30, 30 - 44 (20-lb. dbs; sub: 2-db squat clean thruster part 2)
Allie R.: 30, 30, 30 - 36 (backpack; sub: backpack ground to overhead part 2)
Al C.: 20, 25, 30 - 40 (55-lb. db; sub: rd 1 3" pause, rd 2 1" pause, rd 3 no pause)
David B.: 30, 30, 15 - 41 (25-lb. dbs; sub: 2 db ground to overhead part 2)
Adriana B.: 15, 23, 20 - 42 (20-lb. dbs; sub: 2 db ground to overhead part 2)
Bill M.: 20, 20, 30 - 27 (sub: MPH burpee part 1, atomic pushup part 2)
Sergio L.: 30, 30, 30 - 37 (30-lb. dbs)
Tom G.: 20, 20, 20 - 30 (sub: atomic pushup part 2)
Seth B.: 30, 30, 30  31 (backpack; sub: backpack ground to overhead part 2)
Jin D.: 30, 30, 30 - 41 (25/30-lb. dbs)
Adrian P.: 20, 20, 20 - 40 (sub: med ball squat jump with 2" hold at bottom part 1, atomic pushup part 2)
Adrienne V.: 30, 30, 30 - 48 (sub: goblet squat w 2" pause part 1)
Patrick J.: 30, 25, 23 - 45 (30-lb. dbs; sub: 1 1/4 front squat)
John Sa.: 20, 20, 20 - 42 (30-lb. dbs; sub: front squat)
Lily S.: 25, 20, 21 - 37 (20-lb. dbs; sub: 1 1/4 front squat, two-arm snatch)
Charlie K.: 20, 22, 20 - 58 (20-lb. dbs; sub: 1 1/4 front squat)
Seth C.: 18, 17, 14 - 53 (35-lb. dbs; sub: front squat)
Lorelle E.: 20, 19, 15 - 35 (10-lb. dbs; sub: 1 1/4 front squat, db squat clean thruster)
Matt R.: 25, 23, 20 - 53 (45-lb. db, 25-lb. db)
Ben H.: 26, 23, 20 - 55 (30-lb. dbs; sub: front squat)
Sean G.: 25, 26, 27 - 80 (40-lb. dbs; sub: front squat)
Diana G.: 30, 30, 30 - 45 (15-lb. dbs; sub: 1 1/4 front squat, power clean)Tara S.: 30, 30, 23 - 99 (35-lb. kb, 15-lb. db)
Chris C: 30, 30, 30 - 66 (45-lb. db)