Wednesday, July 17, 2019

CrossFit MPH – WOD


Al C.: 11:53
Borja G.: 8:08 (95-lbs.)
Hari P.: 7:08 (35-lbs. DB SP, air squat, 35-lbs. step up)
Charles B.: 10:55 (105-lbs.; sub: banded)
Aaron B.: 8:23 (75-lbs.; sub: air squat)
Matt H.: 11:24 (95-lbs.)
Jon K.: 13:10 (65-lbs., sub: support)
Andy G.: 12:08 (75-lbs., sub: support)
Rami B.: 12:34 (75-lbs., sub: banded)
Alex M.: 9:58 (95-lbs., sub: plate)
Anu B.: 12:01 (85-lbs., sub: support)
Jin D.: 12:03
Sean F.: 12:13
Michael H.: 8:30 (95-lbs.)
Charlie K.: 11:07 (95-lbs.)
Walt C.: 11:07 (85-lbs., sub: banded)
Jason Sc.: 10:45 (75-lbs., sub: banded, 24")
David C.: 10:26 (35-lbs.; sub: single arm push jerk)
Jason O.: 8:23
Mark Ab.: 9:07 (105-lbs., sub: banded)
Stephen K.: 12:17 (105-lbs., sub: banded)
Julian M.: 12:08 (65-lbs., sub: banded)
Dave R.: 6:44
Lisa C.: 6:28 (33-lbs.; sub: shoulder press, squat, step-up, 20")
Andrew Z.: 10:20 (95-lbs., sub: 3/2x goblet squat)
Alli P.: 7:47 (65-lbs.)
Bill M.: 11:13 (65-lbs., 24", sub: banded)
Simon B.: 11:25 (85-lbs., 28", sub: banded)
RJ A.: 11:37 (75-lbs.; sub: front squat, 6 sls neg with plate + remainder banded)
Matt M.: 13:07
Andrew B.: 9:22 (75-lbs., sub: 6 sls neg with plate + remainder banded)
Adriana B.: 9:30 (65-lbs., sub: 6 sls neg with plate + remainder banded)
Chris H.: 7:37
Joe R.: 10:33 (30-lb. dbs, 28"; sub: db push press)
Cristian D.: 12:49 (85-lbs.; sub: banded)
Katie G.: 9:54 (55-lbs., 20"; sub: banded)
Tara S.: 9:55 (75-lbs.)
Brian F.: 14:28 (65-lbs., 28"; sub: banded)
Joya TD.: 10:26 (65-lbs., 25-lb. db; sub: goblet squat)
Chris P.: 13:05 (85-lbs.; sub: 2x air squat)
Zach D.: 11:22 (95-lbs.; sub: push press, plate)
John S.: 12:11 (85-lbs.; sub: banded)
Ralph B.: 11:34 (95-lbs.; sub: front squat, 20x step-up, 24")
Sean Q.: 11:05
Peter Mc.: 9:39 (95-lbs.)
Tommy W.: 12:27 (85-lbs.; sub: push press, front squat)
Chris T.: 12:48 (sub: banded)
Yao Z.: 13:00 (75-lbs.; sub: banded)
Michail C.: 13:38 (65-lbs.; sub: plate prom)
Chris C.: 6:46 (25-lb. dbs; sub: ring dip, front squat, lunge)
James W.: 14:38 (85-lbs.; sub: banded)
Rafa C.: 12:52 (75-lbs.; sub: banded)
Amy S.: 7:42
Lilly S.: 11:36 (65-lbs.; sub: step-up)
Mark C.: 12:01
Charlie S.: 11:18 (95-lbs.; sub: front squat)
Carl L.: 12:26 (95-lbs.)
Patrick J.: 11:29 (105-lbs.)
Julio: 13:09 (75-lbs., 28"; sub: banded)
Bill G.: 10:18 (45-lbs. kb; sub: 16x push jerk, 20x russian swing, 30x pike-up)