Tuesday, March 30, 2021

CrossFit MPH – WOD

In Gym

for time:
anchored sit-up
double under

*Complete 10 burpees at the end of each round, including the final round.


—MPH Inside The Box Scores—
Robert C.: 16:41, 50 du, du attempts
Roberto E.: 14:32, single unders
Borja G.: 11:27
Sarah G.: 15:45, single unders, kipping situp, 5 no-pushup burpee (skip round of 20)
Daniel H.: 14:57, 26 du, du attempts
Rami B.: 16:34, 75, du attempts
John B.: 14:09
Tucker H.: 14:05
Abbey O.: 14:05, single unders
David C.: 14:47
Andrew W.: 16:07, 43 du, du attempts
Will H.:16:14, 51 du, du attempts
Jerry I.: 18:58, 77 du, du attempts
Anu B.: 15:16
Andrew Z.: 10:33
Al C.: 13:29
Adrian P.: 22:51, 110 du, du attempts
Ben H.: 13:55, ~50 du, du attempts
Walt C.: 12:41
Ralph B.: 14:22, 52, du, du attempts
Luke B.: 12:54
Drew P.: 13:21, kipping situp
Sean F.: 12:20
Dave R.: 11:57
Matt R.: 14:39, 115 du
Kate G.: 12:23
Andrew B.: 11:41
Josh M.: 12:05
Ken G.: 13:27, kipping sit-up
Chris C.: 10:01
Tara S.: 11:17
Rich H.: 10:58
Melody F.: 11:43
Yao Z.: 11:20
Jose R.: 14:05
Julia H.: 14:47, 11 du
Peter T.: 14:25, 52 du
Stephen K.: 14:43, 137
John J.: 14:03, 90 du
Justin M.: 12;33
Tommy H.: 12:25
Sean G.: 9:20
Charlie K.: 13:35
Charlie S.: 9:53
Richard H.: 12:59
Lily S.: 14:25, 80 du
Michael H.: 12:48
Terri A.: 15:38, 21 (sub: no pushup 1/2x burp)
John Sa.: 13:30
Mike L.: 14:18, 130
Nate S.: 12:38
Yamuna J.: 14:10, 7
Patrick J.: 14:46
Amy S.: 11:17

—MPH Outside The Box Scores—
Bryan M.: 14:24 - 50-40-30-20-10 anchored SSUs, DUs, 10x5 burpees