Thursday, June 29, 2021

CrossFit MPH – WOD

In Gym

for time: 3-minute handstand hold 75x strict sit-up 150-ft. handstand walk 75x strict sit-up 30x handstand pushup


—MPH Outside The Box Scores—
Will A.: 15:00 (2 min. atomic hold; 3 min. strict/kipping; 15 atomic pu/15 pu)
Ross B.: 14:00 (3 min. handstand hold on wall; 15 strict prom hspu)
Lisa C.: 15:00 (3 min. plank; 60 strict; 75 strict; 30 db Z-press)
Kate G.: 14:48 (3 min. handstand hold on wall; 100ft handstand walk; 25 strict hspu)

—MPH Inside The Box Scores—
Tucker H.: 18:22 (50 ft)
Travis H.: 12:20 (kipping sit-up, 15 wall walk, 15 strict hspu)
Daniel H.: 17:49 (1:30 hold, 10 wall walk, 30 atomic from box)
Rami B.: 18:41 (10 wall walk, kipping sit-up 2nd round, 30 atomic from box)
Al C.: 17:08
Nate S.: 18:00 (10 wall walk, kipping sit-up 2nd round, 11 prom hspu)
Tisha F.: 17:45 (kipping sit-up, 12 wall walk, 15 hspu)
Kinjal P.: (40 lb hold, 45 plank up down, 50 kipping, 30 press @ 30-lbs.)
Andrew W.: 17:50 (kipping sit-up, 8 wall walks, atomic from box)
Anna G.: 17:21 (1 min hold, 7 wall walk, atomic knees)
Andrew B.: 16:10
Chase H.: 17:42
Adrian P.: 19:45 (6' hold, 50 strict sit-up, 5 wall climb, 20 prom hspu)
Mark D.: 17:51 (6' hold, crunch, 10 wall climb, 20 atomic pushup)
Andrew B.: 19:21 (3' hs walk practice, 20 prom strict hspu)
Ben H.: 20:37 (3' hs walk practice, 20 hspu)
David C.: 21:08 (3' hs walk practice, kipping sit-up round 2)
Sean G.: 20:21
Dave R.: 17:41
Matt R.: 19:05 (10 wall climb, 20 atomic pushup)
Ralph B.: 20:00 (6' hs hold practice, 10 wall climb, 5 prom hspu)
Stephen K.: 19:11 (25 hspu)
John J.: (3' hs walk practice, 10 strict prom hspu)
Joe T.: 18:10 (3' hs walk practice, 20 hspu)
John B.: 18:25 (3' hs walk practice, 25 strict prom hspu)
Carlos U.: 22:00 (6' handstand hold, 3' handstand walk practice, 15 prom strict hspu)
Jared S.: 21:11 (3' handstand walk practice, 15 kipping hspu/atomic push up 24'' box)
Yao Z.: 18:08 (3' handstand walk practice, atomic push up on 24'' box)
Julia H.: 18:42; 100ft. (3' handstand walk, atomic push up on 24'' box)
Sean Q.: 17:38
Jen M.: 17:45 (wall climb hold, 50x kipping sit-up, around the world, atomic push up, 15 atomic push up)
Max R.: 18:20 (35 GHD sit-up, 3' handstand walk practice, 30 atomic push up 24'' box)
Michael B.: 22:55 (10x atomic walk around box, 30x atomic pu)
Justin M.: 20:46 (3' handstand walk practice, 15x prom hspu)
Charlie S.: 17:56 (3' hs walk practice)
Tommy H.: 22:32 (3' hs walk practice)
Roberto L.: 20:25 (6x atomic walk around the box, 30x atomic pushup)
Rich Hu.: 22:02 (15x hspu)
Seth B.: 21:16 (7x atomic walk around the box, 30x atomic pushup)