Monday, February 13, 2023
CrossFit MPH – WOD
In Gym
five rounds for time: 24x box jump, 24/20" platform 18x wall ball @ 20/14-lbs., 10/9-ft. 12x ring dip
-MPH Outside the Box Scores-
Lisa C.: 13:25 (25-lb. db)
Ross B.: 13:00 (20-lb. wall ball)
Bill M.: 14:25 (20-lb. db, 12 close grip pushup)
-MPH Inside the Box Scores-
Terry A.: 22:11 (24" step ups, 10-lb wb push press, banded ring dips)
Dan H.: 25:33 (12 ring dip)
Sophie Z.: 18:41 (14-lb wb, banded ring dips)
Nate S.: 18:20 (banded ring dips)
Carlos U.: 21:12 (20" box jumps, 14-lb wb, banded ring dips)
Rami B.: 22:40 (12 ring dip)
Patrick H.: 22:11 (20" box jumps, 14-lb wb, 9 jumping ring dips)
Chase H.: 16:56 (12 ring dip)
Walt C.: 21:25 (12 ring dip)
Aidan C.: 17:54 (14-lb wb to 9", jumping ring dips)
Russell S.: 20:47 (14-lb wb to 9", 20" box jumps, 9 banded ring dips)
Adrian P.: 22:20(15/12/9: 14-lb wb, 20" box jumps, 12 jumping ring dips)
David C.: 19:40 (14-lb wb, 9 ring dips)
Dan B.: 19:54 (20" step ups, 14-lb wb, 12 jumping ring dips)
Jose R.: 19:56 (24" step ups, 14-lb wb, 9 ring dips)
Sean F.: 15:24 (12 ring dips)
RJ S.: 19:09 (14-lb wb, 9/9/9/9/4 banded ring dips)
Melody F.: 22:58 (8/8/8/6/6 ring dip)
Hanna G.: 20:08 (9 ring dip)
Ralph B.: 21:26 (9 ring dip)
Beau R.: 17:00 (24 box step ups, 14-lb wb, 9 ring dips)
Jesse A.: 19:50 (20" box jumps, 14-lb wb, 9 ring dips)
Tarek K.: 21:39 (banded ring dips)
Kate G.: 17:17 (12 ring dips)
Brenda B.: 21:23 (18/15/9: 14-lb wb to 8", banded ring dips)
RJ A.: 21:15 (14-lb wb, 9 ring dips)
Hal B.: 19:40 (24" box step ups14-lb wb, banded ring dips)
John B.: 15:45 (24" Box step ups, 9 banded ring dips)
Dave R.: 16:45 (6 strict ring dips)
Andrew Z.: 19:46 (20-lbs., 9 ring dips)
Mike L.: 17:19 (20" box jumps, 14-lb wb)
Bradley L.: 16:45 (20" box jumps, 14-lb wb, 9 ring dips)
Sean G.: 15:19 (20-lb wb, 3 rounds: muscle up into 12 high ring dips + 2 rounds: 12 ring dips)
Will H.: 21:28 (20-lb wb)
Marcus C.: 23:36 (14-lb wb)
Richard G.: 22:55 (20" box jumps, 14-lb wb to 9 ft, 9 banded ring dips)
Andrew S.: 22:10(16/16/16/12/12 14-lb wb to 9 ft, 9 banded ring dips)
Leo M.: 20:19 (4 rounds: 14-lb wb, 20" box jumps, 9 banded ring dips)
Inna A.: 15:55 (step-up, 9 banded ring dip)
Bill G.: 16:30 (step-up, med. ball squat jump, 12 ring pu)
TR R.: 22:12 (12 ring dip)
Kate R.: 19:25 (step-up, 6 strict dip)
Connor R.: 22:10 (12/12/8/8/8)
Brendan D.: 18? (banded ring dip)
Jahari H.: 15:07 (12 strict ring dip)
Charlie S.: 18:27 (9 ring dip)
Matthew R.: 16:30 (6 strict ring dip)
John N.: 19:35 (lunge, 12 ring dip)
Bobby H.: 20:52 (9 strict ring dip)
Nat C.: 19:13 (8ft., 9 banded ring dip)
Margaret A.: 25:36 (12/9/9/9/9 ring dip)
Lily S.: 22:51 (10-lbs., 9 banded ring dip)
Adrienne V.: 23:02 (12 banded ring dip)
Nick C.: 20:48 (14-lbs., 2 strict ring dip + 10 banded ring dip)
Ryan B.: 20:20 (14-lbs., 12 banded ring dip)
Rony J.: 21:07 (9 banded ring dip)
Will S.: 21:00 (20", prom 14-lbs. to 9-ft., 9 banded ring dip)
Bill F.: 20:18 (prom 9-ft. wb, 12 banded ring dip)