Saturday, June 3, 2023
CrossFit MPH – WOD
In Gym
as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 200m run 5x "L" pull-up 25-ft. weighted front rack walking lunge @ 100/70-lb. dumbbells
-MPH Inside the Box Scores-
Dave R.: 8
Andrew S.:9 (3x L-pu, 80-lbs.)
Nate S.: 9 + 200m (5 strict, 80-lbs.)
Carlos U.:9 + 160m (5x N-pu, 50-lbs.)
Kara K.:9 + 4 pu (banded strict, 30-lbs.)
Michelle B.: 7 (5x jumping pu, 20-lbs.)
Jen D.: 7 (banded, 60-lbs.)
Walt C.: 8 (3 N-pu, 70-lbs.)
Diana G.: 7 + 100m (5 banded, 40-lbs.)
Edgar J.: 8 (3 N-pu, 70-lbs.)
Jim S.: 8 (3 strict, 60-lbs.)
Michael W.: 9 (3x N-pu, 80-lbs.)
Charlotte L.: 7 (banded strict, 40-lbs.)
Adrienne V.: 7 + 50m (3x banded N-pu, 30-lbs.)
Seth B.: 8 + 1 cal (10 cal bike, 5 ring rows, 30-lbs.)
Sean F.: 9 + 200m (10 v-ups, 10 front squats with 50-lbs.)
Rony J.: 8 + 150m (3x banded)
Theresa S.: 8 (banded pu, 50-lbs.)
Brendan D.: 7 + 100m (3x L pu, 100-lbs.)
Justin G.: 8 + 75m (3x L pu, 80-lbs.)
Adam R.: 8 + 100m (3x L pu, 100-lbs.)
Jenna B.: 8 + 3pu (banded pu, 40-lbs.)
Will H.: 6 + 250m row (250m row, N pu, 60-lbs.)
Michael F.: 7 + 100m (N pu, 60-lbs.)
John N.: 7 + run (N pu, 70-lbs.)
David C.:8 (L pu, 60-lbs.)
RJ A.: 8 + 4pu (N pu, 70-lbs.)
Tara S.: 6 + 1pu (3x L pu, 70-lbs.)
Chris C.: 8 (L pu, 100-lbs)
Chase H.: 8 + 2cal (10 cal bike, N pu, 60-lbs.)
Melody F.: 6 + 75m (N pu, 70-lbs.)
Peter T.: 8 + 100m (N pu, 80-lbs.)
Abraham H.: 8 (L/N pu, 90-lbs.)
Matthew M.: 6 + 1 pu (N pu, 60-lbs.)
Ryan C.: 6 (banded pu, 70-lbs.)
Alicia E.: 5 + 1 pu (banded pu, 50-lbs.)
Connor R.: 8 (L pu, 100-lbs.)
Chris G.: 6 (strict pu, 60-lbs.)
Michael L.: 6 + 2 pu (L pu, 100-lbs.)
Matthew R.: 7 (N pu, 90-lbs.)
Tarek K.: 8 + 100m (3x N pu, 90-lbs.)
Charlie S.: 7 + 100m (L pu, 80-lbs.)
Kate G.: 6 + 200m (L pu, 70-lbs.)
Bill G.: 7 + 12 cal (12 cal bike, L pu, 100-lbs.)
Lily S.: 6 + 4 pu (banded pu, 60-lbs.)
Patrick J.: 7 + 3 pu (200m row, N pu, 45-lb. goblet squat.)
Hanna G.: 5 (5 L pu + 20 second straddle hold on 24" box)
Ryan M.: 9 + 5 rows (200m row, body row, bw lunge)
Richard G.: 6 + 3 pu (banded pu, 80-lbs.)
Kyle B.: 8 (N pu, 70-lbs.)