Sunday, November 3, 2024

CrossFit MPH – WOD

In Gym

In Gym: "Everything But The Bagel 2" as many rounds as possible in 16 minutes: 10x single-leg squat (alternating, total) 15x wall ball @ 20/14-lbs., 10-ft. target 20x pushup At Home: "Everything But The Bagel 2" as many rounds as possible in 16 minutes: 10x single-leg squat (alternating, total) 15x single-arm dumbbell/object thruster –or– squat drop 20x pushup


Alex B.: 4 + 2 wb (pole-assisted, 14# to 8-ft, 15 pu)
Bill G.: 7 (prom sls)
Brian F.: 5 + 15 wb (pole-assisted, 10 pu)
Christian R.: 4 + 5 pu (pole-assisted, prom)
Daniel S.: 5 (r. lunge)
Dave R.: 6 + 11 wb
Edgar J.: 5 + 10 wb (pole-assisted)
Jo S.: 5 + 5 wb (pole-assisted, 10#)
John D.: 4 + 5 sls (pole-assisted, prom, 15 pu)
Julia H.: 4 + 11 wb
Kate G.: 7 + 1 sls
Kerrigan O.: 3 + 7 pu (pole-assisted, 10# to 8-ft., knee pu)
Mae S.: 5 + 5 wb (pole-assisted, 14# to 8-ft., knee pu)
Margaret A.: 4 + 3 sls 
Matt M.: 4 + 10 pu (pole-assisted)
Nat C.: 5 + 8 wb (pole-assisted to target, 14# to 8-ft., incline pu)
Patrick J.: 6 (strict sit-up for sls)
Rajeev R.: 5 + 10 sls (jesus sls)
Stephen K.: 5 + 3 sls (pole-assisted, 14#, 15 pu)