Wednesday, May 20, 2015

CrossFit MPH – WOD


CJ D.: 15-30-35-25-20-lbs.
Ralph A.: 5-12-12-15*-10-lbs.
Borja G.: 15-30-35-37.5-25-lbs.
Judy G.: 5-12-12-7.5-5-lbs.
Jon H.: 25-40-50-60-70-lbs.
Matt H.: 15-30-40-40-40x-lbs.
Paul S.: (sub: strict pull-up practice, bottom range of motion)
Emmy A.: (sub: strict pull-up practice, bottom range of motion)
Kevin K.: (sub: strict pull-up practice, bottom range of motion)
Rob C.: 35-40-45-50*-35-lbs.
Dave K.: 35-40-45-50-35-lbs.
Ross B.: (sub: strict pull-up practice, bottom range of motion)
Patrick P.: 15-25-40-40*-25-lbs.
Dave B.: 15-25-40-45*-47.5x-lbs.
Hari P.: 25-40-47.5-52*-30-lbs.
Drew P.: 40-55-60-65-45-lbs.
Ralph B.: 25-40-55-60*x-45-lbs.
Devon H.: 10-20-25-35-40*-lbs.
David G.: 10-20-25-30-32.5*x-lbs.
Amy S.: 10-20-10-15-15-lbs.
Adrian P.: 25-40-45-35-35-lbs.
Joe P.: (sub: strict pull-up practice, top range of motion)
Melody F.: 30-32.5-32.5-35-35*-lbs.
Dave R.: 45-55-60-50-50-lbs.
Kyle S.: 15-30-45*x-35-x-lbs.
John G.: 25-35-37.5*-30-30-lbs.
Jason C.: 45-55x-50-45-40-lbs.
Alissa G.: 20-22.5-15-15-15-lbs.
Joe T.: 45-55-62.5-71-77.5*x-lbs.
McKinlee H.: (sub: strict pull-up practice, bottom range of motion)
Ida N.: (sub: strict pull-up practice, bottom range of motion)
Buffy M.: (sub: strict pull-up practice, bottom range of motion)
Chris T.: 45-55-60-60-60*-lbs.
Brian K.: 25*x-20-20-20-20-lbs.
Shawn J.: 15-17.5-20-22.5-25*x-lbs.
Michael H.: 25-30-30-32.5*x-30x-lbs.
Sam B.: (sub: strict pull-up practice, bottom range of motion)
Doug C.: bw-bw-bw-10*x-5-bw-lbs.
Stephen K.: 35-40-45-50-55*-lbs.
Gilbert C.: 55-60-65-70x-70*-lbs.
Ran B.: (sub: strict pull-up practice, bottom range of motion)
Brett B.: 25-30-35-37.5-40*x-lbs.
Tara S.: 7.5-10-12.5-15*-15x-lbs.
James F.: 7.5-10-12.5*x-10x-7.5x-lbs.
Sara R.: (sub: strict pull-up practice, bottom range of motion)
Luke B.: bw-bw-bw-bw-bw-lbs.
Randy F.: 7.5-10-15-17.5-20*-lbs.
Jamie T.: (sub: emom 1x dip, 30')
Brandt M.: 10-12-15*x-12.5-12.5-lbs.
Steve M.: 40x-35x-20-22.5-22.5-lbs.
Chris H.: 70-75-80*-70-70-lbs.
James H.: 45-55-60-60-50-lbs.
Chris C.: 55-60-60-62.5x-60-lbs.
David S.: 55-60-60x-50-50-lbs.
Sean F.: 40-42.5*-37.5-32.5x-25-lbs.
Kit H.: 20-20*-17.5-17.5x-10-lbs.