Workout Of The Day
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In Gym
In Gym: as many rounds as possible in 14 minutes: 6x deadlift @ 225/155-lbs. 8x pushup 12x sit-up At Home: as many rounds as possible in 14 minutes: 6x object deadlift --or-- 12x superman 8x pushup 12x sit-up
In Gym
In Gym: 10 rounds for time: 12x single-arm snatch @ 50/35-lbs. 30x double under At Home: 10 rounds for time: 12x single-arm object snatch --or-- swing --or-- 24x superman 30x lateral hop
In Gym
In Gym: front squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Begin each round every 3 minutes. then, as many rounds as possible in six minutes: 5x front squat @ 135/95-lbs. 7x burpee At Home: four rounds, rest amply between rounds: 10-16x Bulgarian split squat –or– reverse lunge 10x dumbbell/object squat + max squat hold (unweighted) then, as many rounds as possible in five minutes: 5x object front squat 6x burpee
In Gym
In Gym: two rounds for time: 50x box jump, 24/20" platform 15/12 calorie row 50x swing @ 55/35-lbs. 15/12 calorie row At Home: two rounds for time: 50x lunge jump 200m run --or-- 12x burpee 50x object swing --or-- 50x superman 200m run --or-- 12x burpe
In Gym
In Gym: “Sporty Spice” in teams of two, 10 rounds for time*: 350m run 100m farmer’s carry @ 110/70-lbs. 10x synchro squat *Partners alternate rounds, and each partner completes five rounds. However, both partners will do the synchro squats each round. At Home: “Sporty Spice” in teams of two, 10 rounds for time*: 50x jumping jack 30x mountain climber 15x no pushup burpee 10x synchro squat *Partners alternate rounds, and each partner completes five rounds. However, both partners will do the synchro squats each round
In Gym
In Gym: “Lynne” five rounds for max reps: max bench press @ bodyweight max pull-up At Home: “Lynne” five rounds for max reps: max object shoulder press –or–atomic pushup max staggered grip pushup max pull-up –or– row option
In Gym
In Gym: power clean 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Begin each round every 2 minutes. At Home: 10 rounds, every 90 seconds: 30x mountain climber 5-10x dumbbell/object power clean –or– standing long jump then, tabata squat jump
In Gym
In Gym: three intervals, each for time, rest exactly two minutes between intervals: 10x push press @ 115/75-lbs. 20x front squat 25-calorie row At Home: three intervals, each for time, rest exactly two minutes between intervals: 10x object push press --or-- 15x staggered grip pushup 20x object front squat --or-- 60x air squat 600m run
In Gym
In Gym: for time: 35x strict ring dip 50x box jump, 24/20" platform 100x v-up 50x box jump 35x strict knees-to-elbows At Home: for time: 35x dip option 50x tuck jump 100x v-up 50x lunge jump 30x weighted strict sit-up --or-- 50x strict sit-up
In Gym
In Gym: five rounds for time: 5x deadlift @ 275/185-lbs. 10x burpee then, five sets for quality: 3 weighted strict pull-up At Home: five rounds for time: 10x object deadlift --or-- 30x air squat 10x burpee
In Gym
In Gym: in teams of two, three rounds for time: 3 minutes max double under *both partners work at same time* 800m run *400m per person* 50x sit-up + medicine ball toss over 20" box At Home: three rounds for time: 50x walking lunge 400m run --or-- 2 minute plank hold 25x rotational sit-up
In Gym
In Gym: snatch deadlift + power snatch + overhead squat + snatch 1-1-1-1-1 Begin each round every 2 minutes snatch 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Begin each round every 2.5 minutes At Home: five rounds, every 2.5 minutes: 50x mountain climber 5-10x dumbbell/object power clean –or– standing long jump five rounds, every 2.5 minutes: 30x lunge jump 5-10x dumbbell/object deadlift –or– single-leg romanian deadlift, per side
In Gym
In Gym: “Posh Spice” as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes: 12x back squat @ bodyweight 21/18 calorie row At Home: “Posh Spice” as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes: 12x goblet squat –or– 24x squat 2 rounds of (35 mountain climber + 35 high knees)
In Gym
In Gym: every minute, on-the-minute, for 20 minutes: odd minutes: 3 heavy push jerk even minutes: 4-8x single-arm devil's press @ 50/35-lbs. At Home: every minute, on-the-minute, for 20 minutes: odd minutes: 3-10x heavy object push press --or-- atomic pushup even minutes: 4-8x object single-arm devil's press --or-- 8-12x burpee
In Gym
In Gym: "Loredo" six rounds for time: 24x squat 24x pushup 24x walking lunge 400m run At Home: "Loredo" six rounds for time: 24x squat 24x pushup 24x walking lunge 400m run --or-- 400m row --or-- 48x lateral agility hop
In Gym
In Gym: every three minutes for five rounds: 50x double under 3x bar muscle-up 5x toes-to-bar 7x pull-up *rest remainder of interval* At Home: every three minutes for five rounds: 200m run 8x very challenging pulling option 7x less challenging pulling option *rest remainder of interval*
In Gym
In Gym: “Legends Event 5” for time: 75x wall ball @ 20/14-lbs., 10/9-ft. target 40x shoulder-to-overhead @ 115/80-lbs. 30x dumbbell box step-over @ 50/35-lbs., 24/20" platform 40x dumbbell single-arm snatch @ 50/35-lbs. 75x wall ball At Home: “Legends Event 5” for time: 75x single-arm object thruster --or-- air squat, 1-second hold below parallel 40x object shoulder-to-overhead --or-- atomic pushup 30x object lunge --or-- lunge jump 40x object single-arm snatch --or-- plank up down 75x single-arm object thruster --or-- air squat, 1-second hold below parallel
In Gym
In Gym: five rounds for time: 12x box jump, 24/20" platform 12x sumo deadlift high-pull @ 95/65-lbs. 500m row At Home: five rounds for time: 16x lunge jump 16x object swing --or-- superman, 2-second hold at top of each rep 400m run --or-- (15x no pushup burpee + 40x jumping jack)
In Gym
In Gym: “Hanging With Elizabeth” for time: 21-15-9 hang squat clean @ 155/105-lbs. ring dip At Home: “Hanging With Elizabeth” for time: 27-21-15 object hang squat clean --or-- (squat + squat jump) strict dip option
In Gym
In Gym: “Ginger Spice” as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 400m run 20x single-arm push press @ 50/35-lbs. 10x chest-to-bar pull-up At Home: “Ginger Spice” as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 400m run –or– 2 rounds of (30x skipping in place + 15x 3-point agility hop) 20x single-arm object push press –or– explosive pushup 10x strict pull-up –or– 20x sheet row –or– 1-minute plank hold
In Gym
In Gym: deadlift: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 *Begin each round every three minutes. then, for max reps: tabata air squat tabata pushup At Home: four rounds, every 2.5 minutes: 50x mountain climber 10-20x dumbbell/object deadlift –or– standing long jump then, for max reps: tabata air squat tabata pushup
In Gym
In Gym: as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 10x step-up @ 100/70-lbs*., 24/20" platform 2x wall climb *Dumbbells are held at the sides. At Home: as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 10x object step-up --or-- object lunge --or-- 20x step-up/lunge 2x wall climb --or-- (inchworm + 3x pushup)
In Gym
In Gym: six rounds for max reps: 1 minute: strict toes-to-bar 1 minute: overhead squat @ 95/65-lbs. --rest one minute between rounds-- At Home: six rounds for max reps: 1 minute: virtual toes-to-bar 1 minute: object squat --or-- squat --rest one minute between rounds--
In Gym
In Gym: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 3x rope climb, 15-ft. 200m run 10x box jump, 24/20" platform At Home: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 6x strict pulling option 200m run --or-- 10x burpee 15x lunge jump
In Gym
In Gym: bench press 7-7-7-7-7 Begin each round every three minutes. then, three rounds for quality: 10x strict ring dip option (bodyweight, banded, loaded) 10x dumbbell strict seated shoulder press At Home: five rounds for quality: 10-20x wide-grip pushup 10-15x strict dip option 10x object strict seated shoulder press --or-- atomic pushup
In Gym
In Gym: three rounds for time: 120x double under 1000/850m row 800m run At Home: three rounds for time: 50x air squat 100x mountain climber 50x renegade row 800m run --or-- (100x jumping jack + 10x burpee)
In Gym
In Gym: clean and jerk 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Begin each round every three minutes. At Home: double alternating tabata* (16 rounds): lunge jump + atomic pushup then, tabata plank** *1 tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. **tabata plank is 8 rounds of: 20 seconds of plank on the elbows and 10 seconds of plank on the hands
In Gym
In Gym: four rounds for time: 30x russian swing @ 55/35-lbs. 25x wall ball @ 20/14-lbs., 10/9-ft. target 20x burpee At Home: four rounds for time: 30x russian swing --or-- 30x strict sit-up 25x light single-arm object thruster --or-- squat drop, 1-second hold at bottom 20x burpee
In Gym
In Gym: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 3x rope climb, 15-ft. 200m run 10x box jump, 24/20" platform At Home: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 6x strict pulling option 200m run --or-- 10x burpee 15x lunge jump
In Gym
In Gym: four rounds for time: 20x single-arm overhead lunge @ 55/35-lbs. 20x toes-to-bar 20x pushup 400m run At Home: four rounds for time: 20x single-arm object overhead lunge --or-- 20x lunge 20x v-up --or-- pike-up 20x pushup 400m run