We love Drop-Ins! Please come on in for a workout while you are in town!
We have single workouts and one-week-passes available. We do not offer open gym times to non-members.
If you are interested in joining our gym and have experience with CrossFit, please fill out this form or email us at coach@crossfitmph.com!
In Gym: "Nancy" five rounds for time: 400m run 15x overhead squat @ 95/65-lbs. At Home: “Nancy at Home” five rounds for time: 400m run –or– 100x mountain climber 20x single-arm overhead lunge –or– 20x lunge jump
In Gym: for time: 200m farmer's carry @ 110/70-lbs. 30x strict ring dip 100x double under 90-second L-sit hold (on rings) 100x double under 30x ring dip 200m farmer's carry At Home: for time: 400m run 30x strict dip option 100x lateral hop 2' v-sit 100x lateral hop 30x strict dip option 400m run
In Gym: snatch pull + hang snatch @ warm-up weights 1-1-1-1-1 Begin each round every minute. snatch 2-2-2-2-2-2 Begin each round every 2.5 minutes. snatch pull 3-3-3 @ 115% of heaviest snatch Begin each round every two minutes. At Home: five rounds, every 2.5 minutes: 50x mountain climber 6-10x object power snatch –or-- standing long jump then, five rounds, every 60-90 seconds: 5-10x object deadlift –or– single-leg romanian deadlift, per side
In Gym: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 3x rope climb, 15-ft. 12x box jump, 24/20" platform 12x wall ball At Home: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 3-6x challenging pulling option 12x squat jump 12x single-arm thruster --or-- burpee
In Gym: for time: 21-15-9 push jerk @ 135/95-lbs. burpee then, take 10 minutes to build up to a heavy push jerk single (from the rack). At Home: for time: 21-15-9 object push press --or-- 2x staggered grip pushup burpee
In Gym: every minute, on-the-minute, for 5 minutes: 1 power clean + 1 front squat @ warm-up weights squat clean 2-2-2-2-2-2 Begin each round every 2.5 minutes. three rounds, every two minutes: 5 heavy front squat *from the rack* At Home: six rounds, every two minutes; rest amply between rounds: option #1: 3-9 heavy clean option option #2: 5-8 heavy object front squat --or-- 10 squat jump + 5-8 heavy object press --or-- 5-8 atomic pushup
In Gym: as many repetitions as possible in 5 minutes: 50x air squat max chest-to-bar pull-up --rest one minute-- as many repetitions as possible in 5 minutes: 50x box step-up, 24/20" platform max toes-to-bar --rest one minute-- as many repetitions as possible in 5 minutes: max calorie row At Home: as many repetitions as possible in 5 minutes: 50x air squat max pull-up option --rest one minute-- as many repetitions as possible in 5 minutes: 50x box step-up --or-- lunge max pike-up --rest one minute-- as many repetitions as possible in 5 minutes: 50x air squat max distance run --or-- cardio option --or-- plank up down
In Gym: "Everything But The Bagel 2" as many rounds as possible in 16 minutes: 10x single-leg squat (alternating, total) 15x wall ball @ 20/14-lbs., 10-ft. target 20x pushup At Home: "Everything But The Bagel 2" as many rounds as possible in 16 minutes: 10x single-leg squat (alternating, total) 15x single-arm dumbbell/object thruster –or– squat drop 20x pushup
In Gym: "Ice Spice" four rounds for time: 21x burpee 15x hang power snatch @ 115/75-lbs. 9x overhead squat At Home: "Ice Spice" four rounds for time: 21x burpee 15x object single-arm snatch --or-- squat jump. 9x single-arm overhead lunge --or-- 18x lunge
In Gym: bench press 5-5-5-5-5-5 Begin each round every three minutes. then, practice handstand walking for 10 minutes. At Home: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 20x weighted sit-up --or-- strict sit-up 20x seated object shoulder press --or-- atomic pushup 15x pushup
"Zombieland: Double Tap" in teams of two, for time: 70x clean @ 110/70-lbs. 400m carry 70x thruster 400m carry 10x legless rope climb, 12 feet 1-mile run *In this workout, all movements EXCEPT for the one-mile run occur with only one partner working at a time, and the team accrues the total number of repetitions together. The one-mile run occurs with both athletes running together (each athlete does a mile). Note: If it is raining, the workout will be modified to: "Zombieland: Rain Edition" in teams of two, for time: 70x clean @ 110/70-lbs. 40x burpee with dumbbell hold* 70x thruster 40x burpee with dumbbell hold 10x legless rope climb, 12 feet 3200m row** *One partner works on the dumbbells at a time while the other partner holds his or her dumbbells. **Partners will alternate every 400m until they reach the total distance. At Home: "Zombieland: Home Edition" for time: 35x dumbbell/object clean –or– 50x superman, 1-second pause at top 50x weighted lunge –or– 75x reverse lunge 35x thruster –or– 50x squat 50x weighted lunge –or– 75x reverse lunge 20x strict pull-up –or– sheet row –or– 80x bodyweight renegade row 200x jumping jack
In Gym: every minute, on-the-minute, for 10 minutes: 2 snatch balance then, “Peppercorn” in 12 minutes, complete: four rounds: +50x double under +200m run as many burpees as possible in remaining time At Home: “Peppercorn” in 12 minutes, complete: four rounds: +50x lateral agility hop over barrier +70x mountain climber as many burpees as possible in remaining time
In Gym: "Anise" three rounds for time: 15x chest-to-bar pull-up 21x push press @ 115/75-lbs. At Home: “Anise" three rounds for time: 15x strict pull-up –or– 20x sheet row –or– 24x strict sit-up 21x object push press --or-- pushup
In Gym: “Rosemary Spice” as far as possible in 20 minutes: 1000m row 75x step-up @ 50/35-lbs., 24/20″ platform 750m row 55x weighted step-up 500m row 35x weighted step-up 250m row 15x weighted step-up At Home: “Rosemary Spice” as far as possible in 20 minutes: 5 rounds cardio complex 75x weighted lunge or lunge option 4 rounds cardio complex 55x weighted lunge or lunge option 3 rounds cardio complex 35x weighted lunge or lunge option 2 rounds cardio complex 15x weighted lunge or lunge option **1 cardio complex = 10 no pushup burpee + 20 skips in place**
In Gym: “Marjoram Spice 2” four rounds for time: 20x box jump, 24/20" platform 200m run @ 20/14-lbs. 15x toes-to-bar At Home: “Marjoram Spice” four rounds for time: 75x elevated toe tap 400m run 20x virtual toes-to-bar
In Gym: “Oregano Spice 2” Complete 21 minutes, every minute, on-the-minute—where the first seven minutes are 2x hang power snatch, the second seven minutes are 2x overhead squat, and finally, the last seven minutes are 2x snatch. At Home: "Oregano Spice" Complete 21 minutes, every minute, on-the-minute---where the first seven minutes are 5-9x dumbbell/object hang power snatch (max vertical jump), the second seven minutes are 5-7x dumbbell/object front squat (or squat jump), and finally, the last seven minutes are 10-12x dumbbell/object power snatch (single-leg romanian deadlift).
In Gym: “Cardamom Spice 4” as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 50-foot handstand walk --or-- 4x wall climb 200m run then, five sets for quality: 5x strict dip option (bodyweight, banded, or weighted) At Home: “Cardamom Spice 3” as many rounds as possible in 13 minutes: 4x wall climb –or– atomic pushup 200m run --or-- (8x squat jump + 8x squat drop)
In Gym: push jerk 3-3-3-3-3-3 Begin each round every three minutes. then, alternating double tabata (16 rounds of 20 seconds of work & 10 seconds of rest) odd rounds: push press @ 95/65-lbs. even rounds: barbell bent-over row At Home: as many rounds as possible in 13 minutes: 5x object shoulder press --or-- atomic pushup 5x object push press --or-- staggered grip pushup 30-second plank hold
In Gym: “Allspice” In teams of two, each partner will complete six two-minute rounds: 10x front squat @ 125/85-lbs. 20x lunge jump max meters on the rower in remaining time *Partners will alternate rounds. This workout is scored by the number of meters rowed by the team from all 12 rounds. At Home: “Allspice” six two-minute rounds, resting exactly one minute between rounds: 10x object squat –or– 20x squat 20x lunge jump max mountain climbers in remaining time.
In Gym: “Five Spice” in teams of two, five rounds for time: 5x synchro burpee 10x I-go-you-go power clean @ 195/135-lbs. (5 per partner) 5x synchro burpee 55x double under, partner one only 5x synchro burpee 55x double under, partner two only At Home: “Five Spice” in teams of two, five rounds for time: 5x synchro burpee 10x I-go-you-go dumbbell/object power clean –or– 10x inchworm 5x synchro burpee 55x jumping jack, partner one only 5x synchro burpee 55x jumping jack, partner two only
In Gym: “Chocolate Spice 2” for time: 100x squat 100x pushup 100x sit-up 50x strict pull-up At Home: “Chocolate Spice” for time: 100x squat 100x pushup 100x sit-up 75x sheet row –or– 30x strict pull-up –or- 250x mountain climber
In Gym: as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 12 minutes: 3-6-9-12-15… strict sit-up wall ball @ 20/14-lbs., 10/9-ft. target then, practice strict muscle-ups --or-- strict pull-ups for 15 minutes. At Home: In Gym: as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 12 minutes: 3-6-9-12-15… strict sit-up object single-arm thruster --or-- squat jump
In Gym: “Baby Spice” two rounds for time: 25x swing @ 70/55-lbs. 20x lateral burpee 50x goblet lunge @ 70/55-lbs. 20x true strict bodyrow 25x push press @ 95/65-lbs. Compare results to September 30, 2023. At Home: “Baby Spice” two rounds for time: 25x object swing –or– standing long jump 20x lateral burpee 50x object goblet lunge –or– 100x lunge 20x dip variation 25x object press –or– atomic pushup
In Gym: for time: 50x double under 40x deadlift @ 155/105-lbs. 50x double under 20x hang power clean 50x double under 40x deadlift 50x double under At Home: for time: 50x lateral hop 30x object deadlift --or-- 2x superman 50x lateral hop 20x object devil's press --or-- 2x burpee 50x lateral hop 30x object deadlift --or-- 2x superman 50x double under
In Gym: for time: 40-30-20-10 toes-to-bar step-up @ 50/35-lbs., 24/20" platform At Home: for time: 40-30-20-10 weighted sit-up --or-- strict sit-up weighted lunge/step-up --or-- 3/2x lunge
In Gym: back squat 5-5-5-5-5-5 *Begin each round every four minutes. then, three rounds for quality: 10x thruster @ ⅓ to ½ heaviest back squat weight 15x barbell good morning @ 95/65-lbs. At Home: four rounds, rest amply between rounds: 10-16x Bulgarian split squat –or– reverse lunge 10x dumbbell/object squat + max squat hold (unweighted) then, "Ab domination" four rounds for quality: 10-15x straddle v-up 20-30x hollow rock
In Gym: as many repetitions as possible in 15 minutes: 5x (burpee pull-up) 250m row - Add 5 (burpee pull-ups) each round. --rest two minutes-- then, take 10 minutes to establish a bench press heavy single. At Home: as many repetitions as possible in 15 minutes: 5x burpee 5x renegade row 40x mountain climber - Add 5 burpees and 5 renegade rows after each round.
In Gym: four rounds for time: 400m run 10x squat snatch @ 135/95-lbs. At Home: four rounds for time: 400m run 20x object single-arm snatch --or-- pulling option
"Filthy Fifty" for time: 50x box jump, 24" platform 50x jumping pull-up 50x swing @ 35-lbs. walking lunge, 50 steps 50x knees-to-elbows 50x push press @ 45-lbs. 50x good morning 50x wall ball @ 20/14-lbs. 50x burpee 50x double under for time: 50x tuck jump 50x pulling option 50x object swing --or-- air squat walking lunge, 50 steps 50x pike-up 50x object push press --or-- pushup 50x superman 50x object single-arm thruster --or-- squat jump 50x burpee 100x mountain climber
In Gym: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 2x bar muscle-up 4x strict handstand pushup 8x dumbbell step-up @ 100/70-lbs., 24/20" platform At Home: as many rounds as possible in 15 minute 2x pull-up option 4x wall climb --or-- (inchworm + pushup) 8x object step-up --or-- lunge --or-- 16x bodyweight step-up/lunge