We love Drop-Ins! Please come on in for a workout while you are in town!
We have single workouts and one-week-passes available. We do not offer open gym times to non-members.
If you are interested in joining our gym and have experience with CrossFit, please fill out this form or email us at coach@crossfitmph.com!
In Gym: every minute, on-the-minute, for 16 minutes: odd minutes: 6x chest-to-bar pull-up + 15-second L-sit hold even minutes: max double under then, shoulder health pump sesh #3: 3 rounds for quality: 10x per side: low band external rotation 5 per movement per side: plate-loaded bench T's, Y's, and I's 10x Arnold dumbbell press 45 seconds per side: banded “bully” stretch At Home: every minute, on-the-minute, for 16 minutes: odd minutes: 10x challenging pull-up option even minutes: 80-100x high knees
In Gym: four rounds for time: 15x strict handstand pushup 15x strict ring dip 1000/800m row At Home:four rounds for time: 15-20x atomic pushup 15-20x dip option 40x sit-up
In Gym: for time: 35-25-15* box step-up @ 100/70-lbs., 20" platform wall ball @ 20/14-lbs., 10/9-ft. target *After each round, complete 5 per side: turkish get-up @ 50/35-lbs. At Home: for time: 35-25-15 object front squat --or-- 1.5x bodyweight side lunge single-arm object thruster --or-- squat drop single-arm object overhead lunge --or-- 1.5x lunge
In Gym: as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 8x toes-to-bar 12x single-arm snatch @ 50/35-lbs. 14/12 calorie row At Home: as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 8x pike-up 12x single-arm object snatch --or-- MPH-standard burpee 200m run
In Gym: bench press 5-5-5-5-5-5 Begin each round every 3 minutes. then, three “giant sets” for quality: 10x atomic pushup option (knee, regular, deficit) (immediately into) 10-15 dumbbell incline bench press (immediately into) 20 banded face pulls At Home: five rounds for time: 8x per side: single-arm dumbbell shoulder press --or-- 8-16x atomic pushup 16x lateral traveling pushup (8 per direction) 24x weighted lunge --or-- 40x lunge
In Gym: four cycles; as many rounds as possible in 4 minutes; rest two minutes between cycles: 3x hang power clean @ 135/95-lbs. 6x shoulder-to-overhead 9x burpee 12x pull-up At Home: four cycles; as many rounds as possible in 4 minutes; rest two minutes between cycles: 3x object hang power clean --or-- tuck jump 6x object shoulder-to-overhead --or-- atomic pushup 9x burpee 12x easy upper body pulling option
In Gym: in teams of two, three rounds for time: 40x dumbbell squat @ 100/70-lbs. 70x box jump, 24/20" platform 40x synchro sit-up At Home: three rounds for time: 15x object front squat 35x squat jump 40x sit-up
In Gym: deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Begin each round every 3 minutes. shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1-1 Begin each round every 2 minutes. At Home: seven minutes: 70x sit-up + max deadlift –or– bodyweight good morning, 2-second pause at parallel on each rep in remaining time. –rest two minutes– seven minutes: 70x sit-up + max dumbbell/object shoulder press press –or– dip option in remaining time.
In Gym: five rounds for time: 50x double under 18/15-calorie row --or-- machine calories 20x hand-release pushup At Home: five rounds for time: 50x lateral hop 300m run --or-- 15x burpee 20x hand-release pushup
In Gym: weighted pull-up --or-- strict pull-up option 2-2-2-2-2 Begin each round every 2 minutes. then, for time: 20x push press @ 95/65-lbs. 40x back squat 60x deadlift 800m run --or-- 40x burpee At Home: for time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 object push press --or-- atomic pushup pull-up option
In Gym: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 50-ft. handstand walk --or-- 5x wall climb 21x swing @ 55/35-lbs. 12x strict ring dip At Home: 5x wall climb --or-- 5x (inchworm + 5 pushup per inchworm) 21x object swing --or-- superman 12x strict dip option
CrossFit MPH - WOD WOD (Checkmark) In Gym: 10 minutes, every other minute: 1 snatch deadlift + 1 snatch pull + 2 power snatch @ light, technique weights then, for time: 50x wall ball @ 20/14-lbs., 10/9-ft. 30x power snatch @ 135/95-lbs. At Home: for time: 50x single-arm object thruster --or-- squat jump 50x object single-arm snatch --or-- 100x plank up down
In Gym: front squat 3-3-3-3-3-3 Begin each round every 3 minutes. then, for time: 20x front squat @ ½ heaviest weight lifted *Bar is pulled from the floor 40x lunge jump At Home: five rounds for time: 15x object front squat --or-- 45x air squat 15x challenging upper body pulling option
In Gym: for time: 400m run --or-- 75x double under 20x chest-to-bar pull-up 40x overhead squat @ 115/75-lbs. 20x chest-to-bar pull-up 400m run --or-- 75x double under At Home: for time: 400m run --or-- 75x lateral hop 30x v-up --or-- pike-up 40x object squat --or-- 80x air squat, 1-second hold at bottom of each rep 30x v-up --or-- pike-up 400m run --or-- 75x lateral hop
In Gym: three rounds for max reps: 2 minutes: max calorie row 2 minutes: single-arm farmer's hold @ 55/35-lbs. (1 minute per side) 2 minutes: max power clean @ 155/105-lbs. At Home: In Gym: three rounds for max reps: 2 minutes: max (sit-up + max vertical jump) 2 minutes: max object farmer's hold --or-- lunge 2 minutes: max object power clean --or-- explosive pushup
In Gym: five rounds for time: 2x rope climb 20x burpee 40x air squat then, “Shoulder Health Pump Sesh 2” two rounds for quality: 10 dumbbell Arnold press 10 plate external rotation 10 banded shoulder external rotation per side At Home: five rounds for time: 4-8x challenging pulling option 20x burpee 40x air squat
In Gym: 30-27-24-21-18-15 box step-up @ 50/35-lbs., 24/20" platform *After each round, complete 2 wall climb + 2 bar muscle-up. At Home: 30-27-24-21-18-15 object weighted lunge --or-- 2x lunge *After each round, complete 2 wall climb --or-- (4 inchworm + 2-4 challenging upper body pull)
In Gym: in teams of two, three 8-minute rounds for max reps; rest one minute between rounds*: -round #1: Complete 40x single-arm snatch @ 70/50-lbs. In the remaining time, complete as many toes-through-rings as possible. -round #2: Complete 60x toes-through-rings. In the remaining time, complete as many pushups as possible. -round #3: Complete 80x pushup. In the remaining time, complete as many single-arm snatches as possible. *One partner works at a time throughout the entire workout. At Home: three 4-minute rounds for max reps; rest one minute between rounds: -round #1: Complete 20x single-arm object snatch --or-- standing long jump. In the remaining time, complete as many pike-ups as possible. -round #2: Complete 30x pike-up. In the remaining time, complete as many pushups as possible. -round #3: Complete 40x pushup. In the remaining time, complete as many single-arm snatches as possible.
In Gym: “Fight Gone Two Rounds!” two rounds for max reps: 90 seconds: wall ball @ 20/14-lbs. (reps) 90 seconds: sumo deadlift high-pull @ 75/55-lbs. (reps) 90 seconds: box jump, 20″ platform (reps) 90 seconds: push press @ 75/55-lbs. (reps) 90 seconds: row (calories) 90 seconds: rest In this workout you will move from each of the five stations after 90 seconds. This is a 7.5 minute round with a 90-second break between rounds. At Home: “Fight Gone Two Rounds!” two rounds for max reps: 90 seconds: single-arm object thruster --or-- squat drop 90 seconds: object swing –or– superman 90 seconds: squat jump –or– lunge 90 seconds: object push press –or– plank up down 90 seconds: no pushup burpee 90 seconds: rest
In Gym: three rounds for time: 20x front squat @ 135/95-lbs. 20x pull-up 20x burpee At Home: 20x object front squat --or-- 60x air squat 20x *pulling option* 20x burpee
Closed - Christmas
Closed - Christmas Eve
In Gym: for time: 15-12-9-6-3 hang power clean & jerk @ 115/75-lbs. 5x double under then, take 10 minutes to build up to a heavy jerk double from the rack. At Home: for time: 15-12-9-6-3 object hang power clean & jerk --or--2x air squat + 2x pushup 5x lateral hop
In Gym: “Tabata This” Complete 5 consecutive Tabatas in 24 minutes: Tabata row Tabata air squat Tabata pull-up Tabata pushup Tabata sit-up *Rest exactly one minute between each Tabata. One tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work & 10 seconds of rest. Your score today is the total number of reps across all 40 rounds. At Home: “Tabata This” Complete 5 consecutive Tabatas in 24 minutes: Tabata burpee Tabata air squat Tabata pull-up option Tabata pushup Tabata sit-up *Rest exactly one minute between each Tabata. One tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work & 10 seconds of rest. Your score today is the total number of reps across all 40 rounds.
In Gym: 1 minute: cardio machine of choice, for calories 1 minute: deadlift @ 185/125-lbs 1 minute: plate ground-to-overhead @ 45/35-lbs. 1 minute: rest At Home: 1 minute: burpee 1 minute: object deadlift --or-- superman 1 minute: (sit-up + max vertical jump) 1 minute: rest
In Gym: six rounds for time: 12x dumbbell front squat @ 100/70-lbs. 100m single-arm farmer's carry @ 50/35-lbs. At Home: six rounds for time: 12x object front squat --or-- 36x air squat 200m run --or-- (50x jumping jack + 15x burpee)
In Gym: bench press 5-5-5-5-5-5 Begin each round every three minutes. then, three rounds: 10x pushup into 10-15x dumbbell bench press 10x barbell bent-over row At Home: every minute, on-the-minute, for 20 minutes: 1 minutes: 5 -10x dip option 2 minutes: 6-9x weighted renegade row --or-- 10-20x bodyweight renegade row 3 minutes: 5 -15x pushup 4 minutes: rest minute
In Gym: “12 Days of Christmas” (complete like the song) 1. deadlift @ 95/65-lbs. 2. hang power clean 3. front squat 4. shoulder press 5. back squat 6. push press 7. thruster 8. squat clean 9. push jerk 10. hang power snatch 11. overhead squat 12. sumo deadlift high-pull At Home: as many rounds as possible in 18 minutes: 10x deadlift --or-- plank up down 10x push press --or-- atomic pushup 10x front squat --or-- 20x air squat 10x hang power clean --or-- lunge jump 10x thruster --or-- squat jump
In Gym: for time: 21-15-9 box jump, 24/20" platform burpee handstand pushup then, “Shoulder Health Pump Sesh” three sets for quality: 10 banded face pulls 10-15 plate external rotation 10 reverse flyes, 1-second hold at top of each rep At Home: for time: 21-15-9 2x lunge jump burpee 2x atomic pushup
In Gym: five rounds for max reps: 2 minutes: rope climb 1 minute: single-arm snatch @ 50/35-lbs. (alternating, total) 1 minute: goblet squat 2 minutes: rest At Home: five rounds for max reps: 2 minutes: upper body pulling option 1 minute: object single-arm snatch --or-- pushup 1 minute: goblet squat --or-- air squat 2 minutes: rest