

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: six rounds, as many repetitions as possible: 90 seconds: max wall ball @ 20/14-lbs. 90 seconds: max jump rope option (single under or double under) At Home: six rounds, as many repetitions as possible: 90 seconds: max object single-arm thruster --or-- squat jump 90 seconds to complete a 200m run

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: seven rounds: 30 seconds max strict ring dip --30 seconds rest-- 30 seconds max swing @ 55/35-lbs. --30 seconds rest-- 30 seconds max sit-up --30 seconds rest-- At Home: every minute, on-the-minute, for 21 minutes: seven rounds: 30 seconds max strict dip option --30 seconds rest-- 30 seconds max object swing --or-- superman --30 seconds rest-- 30 seconds max sit-up --30 seconds rest--

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: in teams of two, as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 40x front squat @ 115/75-lbs. 30x push press @ 115/75-lbs. 20x box jump/step-up, 24/20"platform *One partner works at a time. At Home: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 20x object front squat --or-- 40x air squat 10x object shoulder press --or-- atomic pushup 10x lunge jump --rest exactly 30 seconds betweenr rounds--

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: as many repetitions as possible in 6 minutes: 1000/900m row max deadlift @ 225/155-lbs. in remaining time --rest 3 minutes-- as many repetitions as possible in 6 minutes: 50 burpee max deadlift in remaining time At Home: as many repetitions as possible in 6 minutes: 1000m run --or-- (50x jumping jack + 20x inverted burpee + 50x jumping jack) max object deadlift --or-- plank up down --rest 3 minutes-- as many repetitions as possible in 6 minutes: 50 burpee max object deadlift --or-- plank up down

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: 3 sets; rest amply between sets: max strict pull-up then, as many rounds as possible in 13 minutes: 20x wall ball @ 20/14-lbs, 10/9-ft. target 7x strict toes-to-bar At Home: 3 sets; rest amply between sets: max strict pull-up option --or-- 20x v-up/pike-up then, as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes: 10x object front squat --or-- air squat 10x strict sit-up

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: five rounds for time: 20x single-arm devil's press @ 50/35-lbs. 30x dumbbell lunge* @ 50/35-lbs. *Dumbbell may be held anywhere on the shoulders, today. At Home: five rounds for time: 20x single-arm devil's press --or-- 30x burpee 30x object dumbbell lunge --or-- 40x lunge

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 9x hang squat snatch @ 95/65-lbs. 15x box jump, 24/20" platform 100m farmer's carry @ 100/70-lbs. At Home: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 12x single-arm object hang power snatch --or-- (sit-up + max vertical jump) 15x tuck jump --or-- lunge jump 100m object farmer's carry --or-- 200m run --or-- 12x burpee

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: six rounds for max reps: 1 minute: single-arm overhead lunge @ 55/35-lbs. 1 minute: bar muscle-up --or-- pull-up --1 minute rest-- At Home: six rounds for max reps: 1 minute: single-arm overhead object lunge --or-- walking lunge 1 minute: pull-up option --1 minute rest--

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: “Black Friday” for time: 50x air squat 30x deadlift @ 155/105-lbs. 20x push jerk 30x deadlift 40x front squat 30x deadlift 20x push jerk 50x air squat At Home: “Black Friday” for time: 50x air squat 30x object deadlift --or-- 50x superman 20x object push press --or-- atomic pushup 30x object deadlift --or-- 50x superman 40x object front squat --or-- 80x air squat 30x object deadlift --or-- 50x superman 20x object push press --or-- atomic pushup 50x air squat

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: bench press* 5-5-5-5-5-5 *After each round, complete 8-10x dumbbell bulgarian split squats/leg Begin each round every four minutes. At Home: five rounds for time: 10x object weighted pushup --or-- 20x pushup 20x weighted lunge --or-- 40x lunge

Of The Day

In Gym

WOD (Checkmark) In Gym: for time: 21-18-15-12-9 toes-to-bar hang power clean @ 125/83-lbs. *Complete a 1-minute handstand hold after each round. At Home: for time: 21-18-15-12-9 v-up --or-- pike-up object hang power clean --or-- 2x lunge jump *Complete a 1-minute handstand hold after each round.

Of The Day

In Gym

WOD (Checkmark) In Gym: “The Ghost” six rounds: 1′ row (calories) 1′ burpee 1′ double under –1′ rest– This workout is scored by the total repetitions completed of rowing and burpees, as well as the total repetitions completed of double unders. At Home: “The Ghost” six rounds: 1′ mountain climber 1′ burpee 1′ object swing --or-- sit-up –1′ rest– This workout is scored by the total repetitions completed of rowing and burpees, as well as the total repetitions completed of double unders.

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: five rounds for time: 40x double under 12x strict ring dip 21x swing @ 55/35-lbs. At Home: five rounds for time: 200m run 12x dip option 21x object swing --or-- superman

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: "Big Lift Saturday" snatch 1-1-1-1-1 clean and jerk 1-1-1-1-1 Begin each round every three minutes for both lifts. At Home: run 5km* *At the top of every 3-minute interval (including the 0:00 mark), perform 20x squat jump before proceeding to run.

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: six rounds for time: 8x strict handstand pushup 12x burpee pull-up At Home: six rounds for time: 12x (inchworm + 1-2 pushup) 16x (burpee pull-up) --or-- 30x burpee

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: for time: 50x front rack lunge @ 55/35-lbs. 50x wall ball @ 20/14-lbs., 10/9-ft. target 800m run 50x wall ball 50x front rack lunge At Home: for time: 50x object front rack lunge --or-- lunge 50x single-arm object thruster --or-- squat jump 800m run 50x single-arm object thruster --or-- squat jump 50x object front rack lunge --or-- lunge

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: four rounds; as many repetitions as possible: 1 minute: shoulder press @ 115/75-lbs. 1 minute: rope climb 1 minute: rest then, 6 sets for quality: 1 low hang power snatch + 1 low hang (squat) snatch @ light weights *Begin each round every 2 minutes. At Home: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 8x strict object shoulder press --or-- atomic pushup 6x object single-arm snatch --or-- burpee 3x pull option

Of The Day

In Gym

CrossFit MPH - WOD WOD (Checkmark) In Gym: deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 then, as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes: 6x single-arm devil's press @ 50/35-lbs. 15x v-up --or-- pike-up At Home: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 6x object single-arm devil's press --or-- MPH-standard burpee 15x v-up --or-- pike-up 21x air squat

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 then, as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes: 6x single-arm devil's press @ 50/35-lbs. 15x v-up --or-- pike-up At Home: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 6x object single-arm devil's press --or-- MPH-standard burpee 15x v-up --or-- pike-up 21x air squat

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: three five-minute rounds; rest exactly one minute between rounds: 12x front squat @ 155/105-lbs. 24x pushup max calorie row in remaining time At Home: three five-minute rounds; rest exactly one minute between rounds: 12x object front squat --or-- 24x squat 24x pushup max rounds of (4x no pushup burpee + 10x object/bodyweight renegade row) in remaining time

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: three rounds for time: 15x push press @ 135/95-lbs. 10x ring muscle-up At Home: three rounds for time: 15x object push press 15x pull-up option

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 30x front rack lunge @ 100/70-lbs. 20x sit-up 10x wall climb At Home: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 30x single-arm object lunge --or-- 30x walking lunge 20x sit-up 10x wall climb --or-- 10x (inchworm + pushup)

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: clean deadlift to knee + clean 5x 1 @ warm-up weights clean and jerk 2-2-2-2-2-2 Begin each round every 2.5 minutes. then, tabata pushup At Home: 8 rounds, every 90 seconds: (2 object power clean + 2 front squat + 2 push jerk) --or-- (4 burpee + 10 squat jump + 6 pushup) then, tabata pushup

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: two rounds for time: 50x box jump, 24/20" platform 20x L-sit strict pull-up At Home: two rounds for time: 50x standing long jump 15-30x challenging pulling option

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: snatch 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Begin each round every 2.5 minutes. front squat 3-3-3-3 Begin each round every ~2.5 minutes. At Home: five rounds, every 2.5 minutes: 50x mountain climber 6-10x object power snatch –or-- standing long jump then, tabata bottom-to-bottom squat

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: for time: 800m run 50x single-arm overhead lunge @ 50/35-lbs. 1000m row 600m run 40x single-arm overhead lunge 750m row 400m run 30x single-arm overhead lunge 500m row At Home: four rounds for time: 800m run --or-- 3x (50x jumping jack + 75x high knees + 5x no pushup burpee) 50x object single-arm overhead lunge --or-- 100x lunge 50x plank up down 600m run --or-- 2x (50x jumping jack + 75x high knees + 5x no pushup burpee) 40x object single-arm overhead lunge --or-- 80x lunge 35x plank up down 400m run --or-- 2x (50x jumping jack + 75x high knees + 5x no pushup burpee) 30x object single-arm overhead lunge --or-- 60x lunge 20x plank up down

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: “The Seven” seven rounds for time: 7x handstand pushup 7x thruster @ 135/95-lbs. 7 knees-to-elbows 7x deadlift @ 245/175-lbs. 7x burpee 7x swing @ 70/55-lbs. 7x pull-up At Home: “The Seven” seven rounds for time: 7x atomic pushup 7x object thruster --or-- squat jump 7 v-up 7x object deadlift --or-- superman 7x burpee 7x object swing --or-- (sit-up + max vertical jump) 7x pull-up option

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: "Nancy" five rounds for time: 400m run 15x overhead squat @ 95/65-lbs. At Home: “Nancy at Home” five rounds for time: 400m run –or– 100x mountain climber 20x single-arm overhead lunge –or– 20x lunge jump

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: for time: 200m farmer's carry @ 110/70-lbs. 30x strict ring dip 100x double under 90-second L-sit hold (on rings) 100x double under 30x ring dip 200m farmer's carry At Home: for time: 400m run 30x strict dip option 100x lateral hop 2' v-sit 100x lateral hop 30x strict dip option 400m run

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: snatch pull + hang snatch @ warm-up weights 1-1-1-1-1 Begin each round every minute. snatch 2-2-2-2-2-2 Begin each round every 2.5 minutes. snatch pull 3-3-3 @ 115% of heaviest snatch Begin each round every two minutes. At Home: five rounds, every 2.5 minutes: 50x mountain climber 6-10x object power snatch –or-- standing long jump then, five rounds, every 60-90 seconds: 5-10x object deadlift –or– single-leg romanian deadlift, per side


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