Thursday, July 12, 2018
CrossFit MPH – WOD
Charles B.: 135-140-145*-lbs.
Hari P.: 185-195-200*-lbs.
Jin D.: 100-105*-105x-lbs.
Max M.: 185-195-205*-lbs.
Kevin K.: 150-155-160*-lbs.
Ralph A.: 175-165-165-lbs.
Thomas R.: 175-180x-180*-lbs.
Rami B.: 100-100-100*-lbs.
Elena P.: 50-50-50*-lbs.
Sean Q.: 170-180x-180*-lbs.
Bobby M.: 155-160-165*-lbs.
Luke B.: 145-150-155-lbs.
Denny W.: 155-165-175*-lbs.
Jerry I.: 155-165-175*-lbs.
Adrian P.: 135-155-170x-lbs.
Walt C.: 125-135-140*-lbs.
David C.: 125-135-150*-lbs.
Tommy W.: 125-135-145*-lbs.
Jeff D.: 115-115-115*-lbs.
Candida M.: 80-80-80-lbs.
Beth K.: 80*-85x-85x-lbs.
Mark S.: 105-115-120*-lbs.
Daniel D.: 105-105-105*-lbs.
Andrew B.: 105*-85-85-lbs.
Ralph B.: 175-180-185-lbs. (sub: power clean and jerk)
Drew P.: 115-115-115-lbs. (sub: hang power clean 3RM)
JP S.: 185-195-195-lbs. (sub: power clean and S2O)
Brian K.: 195-205x-205x-lbs. (sub: clean only)
Elise C.: 135-140-140*-lbs.
Jaime Ac.: 80-80-80*-lbs.
Tiffany M.: 85-90-95*-lbs.
Jason O.: 240-255x-240-lbs.
John G.: 215-225-225-lbs.
Joe T.: 175-185x-185-lbs.
Edgar O.: 165-175-185*-lbs.
Alex M.: 155-155-155-lbs. (sub: power clean + 2 hpc)
Kevin M.: 160-170-175*-lbs.
Cristian D.: 125-125-125-lbs.
Sergio L.: 135-145*-150x-lbs.
Buffy M.: 85-85-85-lbs. (sub: power clean + push jerk)
Miranda B.: 100-100-100-lbs. (sub: clean only)
Kit H.: 235-245-255*-lbs.
Andrew Z.: 195-200-205*-lbs.
Josh M.: 135-135-135-lbs. (sub: clean + 2x jerk)
Donal O.: 185-195-205*-lbs.
Francisco L.: 170-175-180*-lbs.
James W.: 140-145x-140-lbs.
Eduardo S.: 135-135-135-lbs. (sub: clean; 2-2-2)
Allie R.: 125-130-135*-lbs.
Stephen K.: 155-160-165*-lbs.
Rebekka E.: 140-140-140-lbs. (sub: clean; 1-1-1)
Michael H.: 180x-175-180-lbs.
Lauren M.: 65-65-65*-lbs. (sub: clean and jerk; 3-3-3)
Andy G.: 140-145-155*-lbs.
Jason G.: 140-145-145*-lbs.
Rachel B.: 135*-140x-140x-lbs.
Michael J.: 75-80-85*-lbs. (sub: clean and jerk; 2-2-2)
Patrick J. 155-160-165*-lbs.
Sean Mc.: 195-200*-200x-lbs.
Lily S.: 95-100*-105x-lbs.
Joe P.: 265-270*-275x-lbs.
Bill G.: 205-215-220-lbs. (sub: power clean and jerk; 1-1-1)
Mark Ab.: 195-205*-215x-lbs.
Carl L.: 150-150-150*-lbs.
Mike P.: 115-115-125*-lbs.
Kat S.: 125-135x-135*-lbs.
John N.: 125-135-135*-lbs.
Yasmine B.: 30-30-30*-lbs. (sub: clean and jerk; 2-2-2)
Christian M.: 135-145-135-lbs. (sub: power clean and jerk; 1-1-1)