Monday, November 5, 2018
CrossFit MPH – WOD
Sam A.: 9:42 (30-lbs.; sub: strict sit-up, sa power clean)
Borja G.: 15:21
Kate H.: 14:33 (25-lbs.; sub: tta)
Amy S.: 13:28 (sub: sa hang power snatch)
Charles B.: 14:05
Michael H.: 13:57 (40-lbs.)
Rami B.: 14:34 (35-lbs.; sub: tta)
Lauren M.: 15:03 (25-lbs.; sub: tta)
Hari P.: 15:35
Collin S.: 15:03 (30-lbs.; sub: ttb/tta)
Charlie K.: 14:25 (sub: abmat sit-up, box jump, 24", rx weighted lunge)
Matthew W.: 10:58 (40-lbs. thruster; sub: sa thruster)
Kevin K.: 14:34 (35-lbs.; sub: pull-up, sa hang power snatch)
Aaron B.: 11:16 (sub: tta)
Ben P.: 12:27
David C.: 14:35 (35-lbs.; sub: ttb/tta, sa hang power snatch)
Jin D.: 14:40 (sub: tta)
Beth K.: 12:08 (15-lbs.; sub: 1/2x band strict, sa hang power snatch, bw walking lunge)
Walt C.: 12:57 (35-lbs.; sub: tta)
Miranda B.: 15:05 (20-lbs.; sub: sit-up, 1/2x sa power snatch + 1/2x sa power clean)
Peter Mc.: 14:58
Will H.: 15:19 (35-lbs.; sub: tta)
Alissa G.: 7:02 (25-lbs.; sub: sit-up, 20-30-50-30-20)
Diana G.: 12:18 (20-lbs.; sub: tta)
Jason O.: 14:39
Cristian D.: 10:29 (30-lbs.; sub: hkr, 30-30-50-30-30)
Diana D.: 12:36 (20-lbs.; sub: hkr, 30-30-50-30-30)
Mead O.: 16:28 (20-lbs.; sub: hkr, bw lunge, 30-30-50-30-30)
Kerstin C.: 17:50 (15-lbs.; sub: hkr, 1/2x wgtd lunge + 1/2x bw lunge, 30-30-50-30-30)
Drew P.: 6:47 (25-lbs.; sub: 20-30-50-30-20)
Alli P.: 8:12 (30-lbs.; sub: abmat sit-up, box jump, 20")
Lisa C.: 10:51 (25-lbs.; sub: tta)
Dave R.: 11:10
Buffy M.: 11:18 (20-lbs.; sub: strict bodyrow, sa clean/sa power snatch, wgtd glute bridge)
Joel P.: 11:56 (30-lbs.; sub: tta, 30-40-50-30-30)
Bill M.: 12:59 (30-lbs.; sub: ttb/tta)
Josh M.: 12:18 (30-lbs.; sub: pull-up, hang power snatch, pushup)
Anna Go.: 13:47 (25-lbs.; sub: tta)
RJ A.: 12:01 (25-lbs.; sub: tta)
Chris C.: 9:30
Chase H.: 12:50
James R.: 10:28
Marcus B.: 15:42
Denny W.: 15:50 (40-lbs.)
Stephen K.: 16:14 (40-lbs.)
John La.: 16:22 (30-lbs.)
Rebekka E.: (15-lbs. L, 25-lbs R power snatches only; sub: sit-up)
Alex M.: 12:18 (45-lbs.; sub: 1/2x power snatch + 1/2x hps)
Ross B.: 12:45 (sub: tta)
Jack M.: 15:08 (30-lbs./20-lbs.; sub: knees to chest, 30-30-50-30-30)
Holmes H.: 10:32 (20-lbs.; sub: tta, 30-30-50-30-30)
Daniel C.: 16:28 (30-lbs.; sub: tta)
Elise C.: 12:02
Sean Mc.: 17:09
Seth C.: 16:18 (40-lbs.)
Christopher J.: 15:31 (35-lbs.)
Tara S.: 12:45
Adrienne V.: 14:39 (25-lbs.; sub: tta)
Jarod F.: 12:44 (sub: pike-up, goblet squat, 30-30-50-30-30)
Matt K.: 15:40 (25-lbs.; sub: tta/knees to chest)
Aron S.: 15:00 (15-lbs.; sub: pike-up, 30-30-50-30, no 2nd round of pike-up)
Kat S.: 13:20 (sub: tta)
Patrick J.: 14:39 (40-lbs.; sub: tta)
Carl L.: 12:37 (40-lbs.; sub: tta)
Mark Ab.: 12:15
Sean Q.: 13:20
Christian M.: 16:02 (45-lbs.)
Mark Co.: 14:27