Monday, November 11, 2019

CrossFit MPH – WOD


Michael H.: 27:23 (sub: 75x sit-up + 30x back squat @ 75-lbs. + 20x strict pull-up + 50x cal bike + 75x plank up downs + 30x air squat + 20x strict pull-up + 25x cal bike)

"A & B": 32:10
Aaron B.: (95-lbs.; sub: 75x anchored sit-up, front squat, jumping pull-up)
Borja G.: (95-lbs.)

"AC 5,280": 34:40
Al C.: (95-lbs.)
Chase H.: (95-lbs.)

"Morning Mavens": 34:33
Kate H.: (55-lbs.; sub: 2x single under, jumping pull-up, row)
Anna G.: (65-lbs., 70 dus; sub: front squat, jumping pull-up)

"Mercury & Transit": 34:30
Charlie K.: (75-lbs.; sub: 2/3x run)
Adrian P.: 160 du (85-lbs.; sub: 1/2x pull-up, 2/3x run)

Will H.: 20:34 (15-lbs.; sub: 75x sit-up, 3/5x back squat, 2/5x strict bodyrow, 1000m row)

"Heart and Swole": 37:01
Jason O.: (sub: 1/3x run, round 2)
Kate G.: (65-lbs.; sub: prom pull-up, 1/3x run, round 2)

"OGs": 35:11
Dave R.:
Bill G.: (sub: 2/3x run/sit-up/bike)

"A Squared": 32:33
Adriana B.: (55-lbs.; sub: prom pull-up, 2/3x run + sit-up)
Alli P.: (55-lbs.)

"We did that": 31:46
Tommy W.: 113 du (85-lbs.)
John S.: 100 du (85-lbs.)

"Larl": 37:17
Carl L.: (85-lbs.; sub: pull-up/jumping pull-up, 2/3x run)
Luke B.: (85-lbs.; sub: pull-up/jumping pull-up, 2/3x run)

"Bover": 34:10
Simon B.: 20 du (95-lbs.; sub: back squat, pull-up, 2/3x run)
Mead O.: (20-lbs.; sub: 2x single under squat, strict bodyrow, 1/3x run)

"Last but not Least": 36:11
Morgan W.: 60 du (55-lbs.; sub: jumping pull-up, 2/3x run)
Gabriel F.: 151 du (95-lbs.; sub: back squat, pull-up/jumping pull-up, 2/3x run)

"Long Weekend": 36:20
Yao Z.: (75-lbs.; sub: pull-up, 2/3x run)
Rafa C.: (75-lbs.; sub: pull-up, 2/3x run)

"Hengio": 38:20
Henry T.: (65-lbs.; sub: 2x single under, pull-up/jumping pull-up, 2/3x run)
Sergio L.: (65-lbs. sub: 2x single under, jumping pull-up, 2/3x run)

Sean Q.:
Drew P.:

"West Coast Best Coast": 37:59
Josh M.: (115-lbs.)
Zach D.: (115-lbs.)

"R&R": 37:20
Ralph B.: (85-lbs.)
Rich H.: (85-lbs.; sub: 100 cal row for mile run)

"Number 1 Finishers": 35:30
Andrew Z.: (115-lbs.)
Francisco L.: (85-lbs.)

Matt R.: (35-lbs.; sub: jumping pull-up)
Dan D.: (75-lbs.)

"The Expenditures": 37:55
Will A.: (35-lbs.; sub: jumping pull-up)
Saumil S.: (55-lbs.; sub: jumping pull-up)
Julian M.: (55-lbs.; sub: jumping pull-up)

"Matt and Charlie": 40:04
Matt M.: (95-lbs./135-lbs.; sub: ohs/fs)
Charlie S.: 95-lbs.; sub: fs, bodyrow)

"Lilypad": 41:21
Lily S.: (45-lbs.; sub: jumping pull-up)
Patrick J.: (85-lbs.)

"The Turtles": 40:53
Christopher P.: (45-lbs.; sub: 100 su, body row)
Aron S.: 81 du (45-lbs.)