Saturday, August 8, 2020

CrossFit MPH – WOD


—MPH Outside The Box Scores—
Chris C.: 9 rds (45-lbs; pike-up, 10 sa thruster)
Amy S.: 10 + 6 pike up (25lbs; pike up, 10 sa kb thruster)
Melody F.: 10 + 7 pike-up/v-up (25lbs., 5 pike up + 5 v-up, 9 sa db thruster)
John J.: 11 (squat jumps, pike up)
Nathan A.: 8 + 5 thrusters (25-lbs. db; single arm thruster, pike up)
Adrian P.: 6 (75-lbs. barbell; thruster; pike up)
Ross B.: 8 + 10 pike up (45-lbs. kb, single arm kb thruster, pike up)
Yao Z.: 9 (20 lbs. db; double db thruster; pike up

—MPH Inside the Box Scores—
Phillip M.: 8 rounds (sub: v-up, 10-lb wb 9' target)
Katie G.: 7 rounds + 8 wb (sub: tta, 9' target)
Josh M.: 9 rounds
Borja G.: 11 rounds + 5 pu (sub: pull-up, 13-lb. wb)
Dave R.: 12 rounds + 2 ttb
Andrew B.: 8 rounds (sub: pike-up)
Tara S.: 8 rounds + 3 ttb
Seth C.: 8 rounds + 6 ttb
Lorelle E.: 8 rounds + 3 ttb (ttb/tta, 10-lb wb 9' target)
Julia H.: 8 rounds + 7 pike-up (pike-up, 9' target)
Walt C.: 8 rounds + 6 ttb (tta)
Chris P.: 8 rounds
Peter O.: 14 rounds (pike-up, 14-lb. wb)
Amr M.: 6 rounds (v-up, 7x 10-lb. wb 9' target)
Michael H.: 10 rounds + 4 ttb
Charlie K.: 8 rounds + 1 ttb
Adriana B.: 7 rounds + 7 ttb
Kai K.: 6 + 5 ttb
Bill G.: 12 + 7 pike-up (sub: pike-up)
Michael F.: 9 (sub: tta)
John N.: 9 + 7 tta (sub: tta)
Matt M.: 8 + 2 ttb
Will H.: 10 + 7 pike-up (sub: pike-up)
Colin So.: 13 + 3 v-up (sub: v-up)
Sergio L.: 9 (sub: v-up, med ball front squat)
Stephen K.: 8 + 6 ttb
David B.: 6 + 7 ttb