Friday, September 25, 2020
CrossFit MPH – WOD
In Gym
"Medium BS" in a 13-minute window, complete: +3 rounds of: 8x back squat @ 165/115-lbs. --or-- dumbbell/object squat - 8x burpee + box jump, 24/20" box +3 rounds of: 6x back squat @ 185/135-lbs. 6x burpee + box jump, 24/20" box +as many back squats as possible @ 225/155-lbs. in remaining time
—MPH Outside The Box Scores—
Candida M.: 50 front squats @ 50 lbs
Lisa C.: 58 (15-lb. dbs)
Brandy F.: 24 (prom bodyweight squat, prom burpee, max sit-up at end, 11' amrap)
—MPH Inside The Box Scores—
Travis H.: 9, 135-155-175
Daniel H.: 6, 135-155-175
Rami B.: 6, 95-115-135
Alex M.: 29, 145-165-185
Alex H.: 20, 115-135-155
Aaron B.: 12, 115-135-155
Nick Mc.: 6, 95-115-135
Sean G.: 15, 165-185-225
Al C.: 4, 165-185-225
Andy G.: 10, 165-185-225
Anu B.: 8, 115-135-155
Chris C.: 12, 135-155-185
Chase H.: 15, 135-155-185
Peter O.: 13, 95-115-165
Kate G.: 19, 115-135-155
JP S.: 10, 75-95-115
Andrew B.: 15, 65-75-85
Will O.: 15, 115-135-165
Zach G.: 3, 75-95-95
Rich H.: 27, 165-185-225
Bill G.: 21, 165-185-225
Dave R.: 19, 165-185-225
Tarek K.: 17, 75-95-115
Sharif K.: 29, 75-95-135
Will H.: 4 rounds, 45-55-65, at end sets of 3 squat + 10 pushup
Brian F.: 5, 95-115-135
Kai K.: 25, 115-lbs. for all sets, max pushup at end
Mel F.: 21, 115-135-155
Pete T.: 7, 115-135-165
Matt R.: 15, 95-115-135
Matt M.: 18, 165-185-225
Caroline E.: 12, 55-65-65-lbs., burpee + step-up
Tommy H.: 18, 165-185-225
Sean Q.: 22, 165-185-225
Max R.: 24, 165-185-225
Julia H.: 9, 65-85-95
Josh M.: 5, 115-135-145
Tara C.: 13, 95-115-135
Joe T.: 10, 165-185-215
Adrienne V.: 6, 85-105-125
John M.: 7, 125-135-145
Seth B.: 0, 135-155-185 (2 rounds of sets of 6)
Charle 3, 135-155-185
Chris T.: 5, 135-155-165
Lily S.: 5, 85-95-105
Colin So.: 0, 135-155-185
Amr M.: 3, 95-115-125 (2 rounds instead of 3)