Tuesday, July 6, 2021

CrossFit MPH – WOD

In Gym

front squat 3-3-3-3-3 *Begin each round every three minutes. then, "The Burpee Breakdown" seven rounds for time: 5x squat 5x pushup 5x squat 5x jump and reach, 18″ target above maximum standing reach 5x burpee


—MPH Inside The Box Scores—
Tucker H.: 185-205-215*-lbs., 6:44
Borja G.: 155-165-175-lbs., 6:27
Al C.: 185-200-210-lbs., 5:33
Sam R.: 165-185-200*-lbs., 5:35
Andrew W.: 95-105-105*-lbs., 7:30
Kinjal P.: 75-80-80*-lbs., 7:48
Adrian M.: 145-155-165-lbs., 6:24 (5 rds)
Mark D.: 75-75-75*-lbs., 7:55 (crunch for jump)
Bobby H.: 145-150-150-lbs., 8:07
Anu B.: 145-155-155-lbs., 10:02 (1/2 db pushup burpee, 1/2 db no pushup burpee)
Andy G.: 185-225-255-lbs., 6:57
Ken G.: 195-205-215*-lbs., 6:28
Jenna B.: 90-100-105*-lbs. , 8:29 (3 pushup/3 knee pushup)
Nick Mc.: 155-165-170*-lbs., 6:33
Ben H.: 175-185-195-lbs., 6:13
Peter O.: 145-155-165-lbs., 7:15
Mel F.: 155-165-165-lbs., 6:14
Matt A.: 95-95-115*-lbs., 8:14
Ralph B.: 160-165-170-lbs., 7:27
Jamaal T.: 95-95-95*-lbs., 6:30 (4 rds)
Michael H.: 155-160-160-lbs., 6:04 (8 rds)
Charlie K.: 145-155-165-lbs., 7:29
Chris P.: 165-170-175-lbs., 6:37
Drew P.: 195-205-215-lbs., 5:34
Dave R.: 225-235-240-lbs., 5:46
Yao Z.: 165-175-185-lbs., 6:44
Keith E.: 125-125-130*-lbs., 7:04
John J.: 155-165-185*-lbs., 5:45
Brittany C.: 65-75-75*-lbs., 7:37 (6 rds)
Jen M.: 50-55-55*-lbs., 7:56 (knee pushup, 5 rds)
Julia H.: 125-135-135*-lbs., 8:52
Richard H.: 230-245-245-lbs., 7:16
Chris C.: 275-275-275-lbs., 5:42
Tara C.: 135-145-145x-lbs., 6:13
Patrick T.: 165-180-190-lbs., 9:00
Jose R.: 165-185-190-lbs., 8:34
Dan N.: 195-205-205-lbs., 8:22 (5 rds)
Seth B.: 185-205-215-lbs., 8:28 (6 rds)
John S.: 165-175-180-lbs., 8:19
Michael Fo.: 165-185-185-lbs., 9:34
John N.: 130-135-140-lbs., 9:27
Mike L.: 155-165-167-lbs., 7:27
Patrick J.: 165-185-190-lbs., 7:07
Tarek K.: 155-175-185-lbs., 8:28
Adrienne V.: 95-105-115-lbs., 9:13 (knee pushup)

—MPH Outside The Box Scores—
Ross B.: Did recorded Legs Gone Bad: 128
Joe T.: Front squats x3 245, burpee breakdown 6:31
Candida M.: Front squats 3x 65, burpee breakdown 7:19
Tom G.: 14:15
(burpee breakdown)
Kate G.: 14:40 (LGB)

Lisa C.: 119
Chris Ca.: 92 (LGB)