Tuesday, November 9, 2021

CrossFit MPH – WOD

In Gym

as many rounds as possible in 17 minutes:
25x toes-to-bar
25 calorie row/ 400m run
50x pushup
25x pull-up
400m run/25 calorie row
25x box jump, 24/20" platform

*For the row and run, you may choose which to do first each round (and do the other exercise second).


-MPH Inside the Box Scores-
Dan H.: 1 + 21 cal, row first (15 tta)
Anna G.: 1 + 200m, run first(1 min plank, 35 knee pushup, 25 banded strict pu)
Borja U.: 1 + 375m, run first
Zach D.: 1 + 14 push up (15 t2b, 35 pushup, 15 kip pull up)
Will H.: 1 + 14 t2b, run first (3 min pushup attempt)
Julie A.: 1 +18 knees to chest, row first (15 knees to chest, 3 min knee pushup attempt, 15 strict pu)
Edgar C.: 1+ 400m, run first (25 tta)
Mark D.: 1 + 3 cal, row for both (25 tta, 3 min knee pushup attempt, 15 banded strict pu, 25 step ups
Melody F.: 1 + 24 t2b, run first
Hanna G.: 1+ 200m run, run first
David C.: 1 + 40 pushup, run first
Beau R.: 1 + 400m, run first (stop early on ttb rd 2)
Thomas R.: 1 + 20 pushup, row for both (25 tta, 18" step-up)
Ben H.: 1 + 9 cal first row, row for both (tta/pike-up, step-up, 43 pushup rd 1)
Walt C.: 1 + 400m, run first (tta)
John B.: 1 + 400m, run first
Adam M.: 1 + 15 pushup, row both times (20 k2c, 5 kip swing + 5 pull-up attempt + 5 strict pull-up)
Benny R.: 1 + 13 tta, run first (15 tta, 15 band strict, 37 pushup)
Drew P.: 1 + 300m, run first
Peter O.: 1 + 350m, run first (25 tta, 15-strict banded pull-up)
Ronny J.: 1 + 13 pushup, run first (kipping sit-up, 25 knee push-up, 25 ring rows, 16 cal. row, 15 box j.)
Kate G.: 1 + 18 pushup, run first (alternate run course)
Dave R.: 1 + 6 pull-up, row first
John J.: 1 + 8 ttb, row first (15 ttb)
Jenna B.: 1 + 18 cal, row first (15 band pull-up, 15 tta)
Adriana B.: 1 + 12 cal, row first (15 ttb, 15 pull-up)
Matt A.: 1 + 9, row first (15 tta, 5 [2 kip swing + 1 pull-up] + 5 strict pull-up)
Sean G.: 1 + 100m run, row first
RJ A.: 1 + 20 tta, row first (20 tta, 15 pull-up, 40 pushup)
Brent S.: 1 + 29 pushup, row first
Robert C.: 1 + 10 pull-up, row first (k2c second rd, 25 pushup second rd)
Pedro L.: 1 + 13 pushup, row first (15 tta, 15 pull-up)
Rich H.: 1 + 20 pushup, row first
Chris C.: 1 + 25 pullup, row first 
Sean Q.: 1 + 15 cal, run first
Julian M.: 1+ 40 pushup, run first (25 tta, 15 pull-up)
John Sh.: 1 + 15 pull-up, row first (25 tta)
Julia H.: 1 + 19 ttb, run first (20 ttb, 20 cal. row, 20 pull-up)
Michael H.: 1 + 400m (run first)
Chris P.: 1 + 50 pushup, run first
Mike L.: 1 + 200m, run first 
Roberto E.: 1 + 32 pushup. row first  (15 ttb/tta, 15 banded/jumping pull-up)
Matt R.: 1 + 30 pushup, run first
Keith E.: 1 + 15 pull-up (20 k2c, 15 pull-up)
Tommy H.: 1+ 300M run, row first
Justin M.: 1 + 24 push up, row first
Stephen K.: 1 + 6-cal. (strict pu, strict ktc), row first
Charlie K.: 1 + 5-cal., run first
Andrew W.: 1 + 10 pus up (kipping ktc, banded), run first
Ben B.: 1+ 12 push up(3/5 banded), run first
Amanda S.: 1 + 25 ktc (strict ktc, 2/5 banded, knee push-up, step up), row first
Brent H.: 1 + 50 push up (TTA), row first
Tara S.: 1 + 400M, run first
Patrick J.:1 + 400m, run first (tta)
John Sa.: 1 + 300m, run first (tta)
Tyler S.: 1 + 25 tta, run first (tta, 15 strict/kipping pull-up)
Nicole B.: 1 + 10 pushup, row x2 (25 kipping sit-up, 35 knee pushup, 25 ring row, 15 step-up)
Amr M.: 1 + 400m, run first (tta, 22 strict banded)
Josh M.: 1 + 48 pushup, run first
John N.: 1 + 100m, run first (20 pullup)
Michael B.: 1 + 10 pushup, run first (tta, 20 pull-up)
Lily S.: 1 + 400m, run first (25 pike-ups, knee pushup, 15 strict banded, step-up)

-MPH Outside the Box Scores-
Candida M.: @ Home WOD: 2 rounds (SUB: sheet rows, jumping jacks)
Tom G.: 1 + 30 pushup (bodyrow, knee pushup)
Lisa C.: 1 + 29 pushup (15 band pull-up)
Diana D.: 1 + 13 pushup (25 bodyrow, jumping jack)