Wednesday, February 16, 2022

CrossFit MPH – WOD

In Gym

six rounds for time: 5x hang power clean @ 155/105-lb. 10x back rack weighted lunge then, for meters and reps: 3-minute max distance handstand walk 3-minute max strict handstand pushup


-MPH Outside the Box Scores-
Candida M.: @ home WOD - 7:50 (55 lbs power cleans; 20 lbs lunges); then 3-min plank hold, 44 atomic pushups in 3 mins.
Damund W.: 10:30 (15-lb. dbs., 10 front rack lunge)
Tom G.: 12:15 (15-lb. dbs/db)
Bill M.: 10:50 (20-lb dbs.)
Diana D.: 10:50 (15-lbs.)

-MPH Inside the Box Scores-
Anna G: 5:20, 30-lbs (db hang pwr, db front rack), max db hold, db shoulder press
Andrew S.: 6:38, 95/85-lbs., walk around box, atomic from box
Carlos U.: 9:33, 75-lbs., walk around box, prom hspu
Borja G.: 6:36, 95-lbs., 10 ft hs walk, hs hold
Nate S.: 6:10, 95-lbs., hs walk around box, prom hspu
Al C.: 10:01, 115-lbs., 175 ft hs walk, 13
Hanna G.: 6:52, 85-lbs. (hang power clean + 8 front squat), prom hspu, shoulder taps
Austin S.: 7:33, 105-lbs.
Patrick H.: 8:15, 65-lbs.
Ishi B.: 8:13, 65-lbs. 
Andrew Z.:  7:31, 115-lbs., 175m + 11 prom hspu
Sean G.: 6:37, 25 ft, 7 prom hspu
Jonathan D.: 8:35, 95-lbs.
Jen D.: 6:35, 55-lbs. (3 sets body weight lunge)
Andrew W.: 7:16, 95-lbs. 
JP S.: 8:07, 95-lbs. (10 fs)
Zack E.: 6:52, 85-lbs. 
Michael O.: 7:15, 65-lbs.
Nick M.: 5:45, 85-lbs.
Walt C.: 8:14, 95-lbs., 16 prom hspu
Chase H.: 7:36, 55-lbs., 12 box atomic hspu
Diana G.: 5:44, 30-lbs., 12 atomic hspu
Justin G.: 9:33, 55-lbs., 19 box atomic hspu
John N.: 8:35, 85-lbs., 15 prom hspu
Ben H.: 5:36, 95-lbs. (5 fs + 6 lunges), 17 strict hspu
Morgan M.: 5:45, 135-lbs., 8 strict hspu
Nick W.: 6:53, 95-lbs., 9 prom hspu
Drew P.: 6:31, 135-lbs., 60m + 25 strict hspu
Ralph B.: 6:15, 105-lbs., 10 prom hspu
Abbey O.: 6:13, 35-lbs., 8 atomic hspu
Michael Fo.: 7:01, 95-lbs., 15 prom hspu
Adriana B.: 6:03, 55-lbs. 10 prom hspu
Kate G.: 6:58, 95-lbs., 21, 45-ft.
Michael H.: 7:57, 95-lbs., 75-ft., 22 hpsu
John B.: 8:01, 95-lbs., 60-ft., 15 prom hspu
RJ A.: 8:04, 95-lbs., 21 atomic hspu
Matt A.: 9:28, 55-lbs., 14 atomic hspu
Beau R.: 9:06, 115-lbs., 20 hspu
Francisco L.: 9:40, 115/95-lbs., 6 prom hspu
Dave R.: 11:00, 155-lbs., 8 hspu, 60-ft.
Chris C.: 8:09, 155-lbs., 20-ft., 13 hspu
NIck D.: 7:57, 135-lbs., 53-ft, 15 hspu
Andrew Ze.: 8:37, 85-lbs., 13, atomic pushup
Jake L.: 8:26, 73-lbs., :), atomic pushup
Sean Q.: 7:50, 155-bs., 65 ft, 28 hspu
Jenna B.: 7:42, 60-bs., 58 ft, 28 prom hspu
Coleman G.: 7:20, 125-bs.(behind the neck lunge), 17 prom hspu
John Sh.: 6:40, 115-bs. (front squat), 50 ft, db hold
Roberto E.: 7:18, 95-bs., 30 atomic
Rich H.: 7:09, 155-bs., 100 ft, 15 hspu
Adam R.: 6:03, 95-bs., 18 atomic
Melody F.: 8:38, 65-bs. (bodyweight lunge, 5 strict pull-up), 25 ft, 12 hspu
Michael L.: 7:59, 95-bs., 50 ft, 8 hspu
Charlie S.: 7:47, 115-bs., 21 hspu
Adrienne V.: 5:54, 55-lbs. hpc, 15-lb. db. lunge, 17 pushup, around the world, atomic pushup
Peter T.: 7:43, 115-lbs., 6 hspu, handstand hold, prom hspu
Jen M.: 8:54, 55-lbs. hpc, 15-lb. db. lunge, 13 atomic pu, (around the world)
Mike B.: 7:30, 115-lbs., 3 hspu, 7 atomic pu, (handstand hold)
Kiely W.: 7:54, 55-lbs., 12 atomic pu, (handstand hold)
Sam R.: 7:46, 120-lbs., 125 ft., 6 prom hspu
Tucker H.: 8:00, 120-lbs., 75-ft., 9 prom hspu
Bryan M.: 7:12, 105/115-lbs., 12 prom hspu pushup (handstand hold)
Jahari H.: 9:09, 135-lbs., 16 prom hspu (handstand hold)
Matt R.: 8:23, 105/95-lbs., 7 prom hspu, (around the world)
Sebastian T.: 9:00, 85-lbs., plank, atomic pushup
Terry A.: 7:44, 25-lbs., 26 atomic pu, (around the world, knee atomic pushup)
Rony J.: 7:57, 55-lbs., 29 pu, (around the world, knee atomic pushup)
Nicole B.: 8:37, 55/33-lbs. (8x reverse lunge), 50 pu (around the world/plank, knee atomic pushup)
Bobby H.: 8:45, 95-lbs., 14 atomic pu, (handstand hold)
Patrick J.: 7:25, 115-lbs. hpc, 60-lbs. db reverse lunge, 100-ft. handstand walk, 32 prom hpsu