Thursday, December 15, 2022

CrossFit MPH – WOD

In Gym

in teams of two, three 8-minute rounds for max reps; rest one minute between rounds*: -round #1: complete 40x single-arm snatch @ 70/50-lbs., in remaining time, complete as many toes-through-rings as possible. -round #2: complete 60x toes-through-rings, in remaining time, complete as many pushups as possible. -round #3: complete 80x pushup, in remaining time, complete as many single-arm snatches as possible. *One partner works at a time.


-MPH Outside the Box Scores-
Lisa C.: 60, 36, 5 (30-lbs.)
Mark D.: 57, 53, 19 (30/20-lb. db sp for pushup, 25/15-lb. snatch)
Diana D.: 44, 22, 20 pushup/15 knee pushup (20-lbs.)
Tom G.: 44, 28, 4 snatch (25-lbs.)

-MPH Inside the Box Scores-
Anu B. (40-lbs.) + Walt C. (40-lbs.): 88, 95, 77
Will H. (50-lbs.) + Rich H.: (70-lbs.): 105, 135, 48
Dan B. (40-lbs., ktc) + Bobby H. (50-lbs.): 111, 105, 45 
Charlotte L. (20-lbs., ktc, knees) + Patrick H. (30-lbs., ktc): 114, 95, 55

Sean Q. (70-lbs.) + Sean F. (70-lbs.): 124, 196, 44
Chase H. (35-lbs.) + Steve T. (50-lbs.): 106, 120, 102
Diana G. (17.5-lbs, ktc, knees ) + Carter G. (35-lbs. ktc, knees): 124, 150, 94
Tarek K. (45-lbs.) + David C. (40-lbs.): 90, 92, 70 

Margaret A. (50-lbs.) + Kate G. (50-lbs.): 111, 116, 43
Jose R.: (45-lbs.) + Dave R.: (70-lbs.): 117, 114, 47
Patrick J. (50-lbs.) + Rajeev R. (50/45-lbs.): 91, 132, 49
Matt A. (45-lbs.) + Beau R. (55-lbs.) + Matt R. (50-lbs.): 140, 152, 84

Charlie S. (55-lbs.) + Natsuda C. (25-lbs., ktc, knees) + Greg M. (45-lbs.): 170, 182, 74
Zach D. (70-lbs.) + Marshall M. (70-lbs.): 132, 101, 47
Jeff C. (70-lbs. kb deadlift) + Bradley L. (35-lbs.): 108, 140, 98

Thomas R. (70-lbs.) + Kate R. (25-lbs., vtb) + Raymond L. (50-lbs., ttr/hkr): 96, 180, 119