Wednesday, October 25, 2023

CrossFit MPH – WOD

In Gym

In Gym: “Rosemary Spice” as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 1000m row 75x step-up @ 50/35-lbs., 24/20″ platform 750m row 55x weighted step-up 500m row 35x weighted step-up 250m row 15x weighted step-up


Steve T.: 55 of 55 step up, 50-lbs., 20"
Borja G.: 165 of 500 m, 50-lbs.
Rami B.: 26 of 55 step up, 25-lbs., 24"
Daniel H.: 55 of 55 step up, 50-lbs., 24"
Carlos U.: 62 of 500 m, 25-lbs., 24"
Brian F.: 37 of 55 step up, 25-lbs. 24"
Harrison C.: 483 of 500 m, 50-lbs., 24"
John L.: 3 of 35 step up, body weight, 20"
Nate S.: 14 of 35 step up, 35-lbs., 24"
Lexi S.: 145 of 500 m, 25-lbs., 20"
Stuart J.: 55 of 55 step up, 40-lbs, 24"
Lisa B.: 350 of 500 m, 25-lbs., 20"
Hanna G.: 3 of 15 step up, body weight, 20"
Ryan S.: 82 of 500 m, 45-lbs., 24"
David C.: 37 of 55 step up, 45-lbs., 24"
Jerry I.: 21 of 55 step up, 25-lbs., 24"
Edgar J.: 55 of 55 step up, 30-lbs., 24"
Jen D.: 36 of 55 step up, 30-lbs., 20"
Teresa S.: 416 of 500 m, 25-lbs., 20"
Ross B.: 131/500m, 50-lbs., 24"
Hal B.: 34/55 step up, 35-lbs., 20"
Chase H.: 500/500m, 50-lbs., 24"
Asad M.: 55/55 goblet squat, 35-lbs.
Diana G.: 230/400m, 10-lbs., 20" (800/600/400/200m row)
Diana D.: 21/40 step up, 17.5-lbs., 20" (60/40/20/10 step up)
Melody F.: 22/35 step-up, 35-lbs., 20"
Abe H.: 340/500m, 45-lbs., 24"
Ralph B.: 220/500m, 20-lbs., 24"
Drew P.: 35-lbs., 24" (60/45/30/15 cal bike)
Matt A.: 42/55 step up, 30-lbs., 24"
Kate G.: 17/35 step up, 35-lbs., 20"
RJ A.: 55/55 step up, 30-lbs., 24"
Jeff B.: 40/55 step up, 30-lbs., 24"
John B.: 15/35 step-up, 45, 24
Jake S.: 10/35, 45, 24
Charlie S.: 37/55, 45, 24
Mike L.: 168/500m, 45, 24
Andrew Z.: 498/500m, 40, 24
Nate D.: 450/500m, 30, 24
Jesse A.: 120/500m, 35/24
Shaun F.: 33/500m, bw, 20
Andrew S.: 26/35, 40/24
Tim V.: 17/35, 30, 20
Kate R.: 150/500, 35, 20
Gerson G.: 500/500m, 40, 24
Ryan C.: 38/55, 40, 24
Sean G.: 26/35, 50, 24
Will H.: 41/55, 50, 24
Tara C.: 399/500m, 35, 20
Duncan A.: 37/55, 40, 24
Justin G.: 43/55, 35, 24
Rony J.: 5/25, 35, elevated glute bridge
Nick C.: 212/500m, 45, 24"
Julia H.: 55/55, 800/600/400/200m, 35, 20")
Ariel S.: 50/200m, 800/600/400/200m, 50/30/20/10 bw, 20"
Carolyn G.: 10/35, 800/600/400/200m, bw, 20"
Connor R.: 310/500m, 50, 24"
Matthew R.: 46/55, 50, 24"
Courtney H.: 35/35, 20, 20"
Jeffrey H.: 11/35, 50, 24"
Ashley WV.: 12/55, 35, 20"
Lily S.: 43/55, 35, 20"

-MPH Outside the Box Scores-
Lisa C.: 1 round! (20-lbs., lunge)
Liz M.: 35/35 lunge (run option, step-up, 30-lbs.),
Tom G.: 36/55 step-up (row option, step-up, 15-lbs.)