Thursday, August 8, 2024

CrossFit MPH – WOD

In Gym

in teams of two, five rounds for time: 100x double under *both athletes may work at the same time* 50x burpee *both athletes may work at the same time* 400m medicine ball run @ 20/14-lbs. *each partner runs 200m* 30x single-leg squat --or-- 60x walking lunge *athletes split reps & one works at a time*


Borja+Chase (supported) +Chris W. (.8km bike, 10 cal ski, supported): 26:28 (4 rds)
Charlie S.+Ryan S. (elevated/supported)+Walt C.(supported): 24:37
Sarah H. (50 tall, 100m, supported) +Jen D. (practice, 100m, supported): 23:57
Brett G.(15x burpee, 14-lb, walking lunge): + Sean F.: 27:52
Dave R. (walking lunge) + Christine R.: (10-15 burpee, du practice): 24:55
Rich H. (walking lunge) + Kate G. (sls, row): 24:02
Nick W. (walking lunge) + Sam C. (walking lunge): 27:52
Greg M. (sls, du practice) + Ryan B. (walking lunge, du practice): 29:00
Jack S. (walking lunge): 25:38
John H. (walking lunge, du practice): 26:35
Shaun F. (20 20-lb. glute bridge, 100-200m run, single under, 10-15 burpee): 24:31
Bill G.: (ski erg, bike, lunge) + Todd N. (sls) + Liindsay S. (lunge): 27:07
Grant J. (su, lunge) + Graham F. (sls): 29:57
Sean G. + John D. (du practice, 15 burpee, assisted sls): 25:48
John Sa. + John Sa.: 27:42
Adrienne V. (assisted sls) + Kate R. (lunge): 27:32