Friday, September 18, 2015
CrossFit MPH – WOD
Kit H.: 30/50x double under
Jason J.: 50/90x single under (sub: 4x partner-assisted jump to pull-up/round, single under)
John P.: 34/80x double under (sub: 4x strict pull-up/round)
Ralph A.: 13/14x pull-up (sub: pull-up, single under)
Emmy A.: 0/13x double under (sub: 4x partner-assisted jump to pull-up/round, 5 + 1x du/round)
Kevin K.: 21/21x double under (sub: strict bodyrow, 5 + 2x du/round)
Christine S.: 35/60x double under
Blaine P.: 2/16x ctb pull-up
Sara R.: 59/60x double under (sub: 4x pull-up/round)
Paul S.: 0/19x double under (sub: 4x jump to pull-up/round, 5 + 2x du/round)
Jon H.: 14/14x ctb pull-up
Tanner L.: 60/60x double under + 3/4x pull-up (sub: 4x pull-up/round)
Matt A.: 5/12x double under (sub: 4x strict pull-up/round, 5 + 1x du/round)
Devon H.: 13/14x ctb pull-up
Hari P: 26/60x double under (sub: pull-up)
Rebekka E.: 1/16x strict bodyrow (sub: strict bodyrow)
Dave B.: 17/17x double under + 4x pull-up (sub: 5x strict pull-up/round, 5 + 2x du/round)
Patrick P.: 15/15x double under + 1x pull-up (sub: 5x strict pull-up/round, 5 + 2x du/round)
Sherry G.: 45/60x double under (sub: strict bodyrow, single under)
Meredith B.: 50/50x double under (sub: strict bodyrow, single under)
Shawn J.: 5/14x pull-up (sub: pull-up, 5 + 2x du/round)
Alli P.: 13/50x double under (sub: 3x jump to pull-up/round, 5 + 5x du/round)
Andrea M.: 1/35x sit-up (sub: 3x jump to pull-up/round, 5x sit-up + 5/round)
Chris C.: 1/16x ctb pull-up
Alissa G.: 9/14x ctb pull-up
JP S.: 10/110x single under (sub: 4x jump to pull-up/round, single under)
Eduardo S.: 0/13x double under (sub: 4x jump to pull-up/round, 5 + 1x du/round)
Alana L.: 40/40x double under + 2/3x jump to pull-up (sub: 3x pull-up/jump to pull-up, 5 + 5x du/round)
Roselena R.: 0/35x double under (sub: strict bodyrow, 5 + 5x du/round)
Jason O.: 35/35x double under + 3/5x pull-up (sub: 5x strict pull-up, 5 + 5x du/round)
Michael H.: 23/23x pike-up (sub: 3x strict ring dip, 5x pike-up + 2/round)
Bill M.: 47/90x single under (sub: 5x pull-up/round, single under)
John L.: 25/70x double under (sub: 5x pull-up/round)
Buffy M.: 9/23x sit-up (sub: 4x jump to pull-up/round, 5x strict sit-up + 2/round)
Lisa C.: 8/21x sit-up (sub: 4x jump to pull-up/round, 5x strict sit-up + 2/round)
Dave R.: 4/18x ctb pull-up
James H.: 56/70x double under
Dave K.: 46/70x double under
David S.: 5/18x ctb pull-up
Steve M.: 8/30x double under (sub: 5 + 5x du/round)
Emma K.: ?? (sub: strict bodyrow, 5 + 2x du/round)
Rob K.: 5/16x ctb pull-up
Mark Co.: ?? (sub: 5x strict pull-up/round, 5 + 5x du/round)
Zaid A.: 15/15x double under + 3/3x pull-up (sub: 3x jump to pull-up/round, 5 + 2x du/round)
Holmes H.: 35/35x double under + 3/4x pull-up (sub: 4x pull-up/round, 5 + 5x du/round)