Thursday, November 4, 2021
CrossFit MPH – WOD
In Gym
for time: 3-minute handstand hold 100x squat 150-ft. handstand walk 100x squat 30x handstand pushup Compare results to December 21, 2018. then, practice kipping on the high rings for 10 minutes.
-MPH Inside the Box Scores-
Dan H.: 17:35 (2 min handstand hold, 6 atomic walk around, atomic pushup)
Will H.: 16:22 (30-lbs. Db hold overhead for 3 min, 12 inchworm pushup, 30 of 30-lbs. Db strict press)
Anna G.: 15:11 (15-lbs. Db hold overhead for 3 min, 20 inchworm pushup, 30 of 15-lbs. Db strict press)
Borja G.: (walking handstand attempts for 3 min)
Anu B.: 18:00 (15 inchworm pushup, 15 atomic pushup, 65 squats)
Sam R.:18:09
Tucker H.: 18:20 (50 ft handstand walking)
Andrew Z.: 15:38
Mark D.: 18:30 (15 inchworm pushup, atomic pushup)
Walt C.: 19:22 (walking handstand attempts for 3 min)
Edgar C.: 20:17 (walking handstand attempts for 3 min)
Adrian P.: 18:00 (15 inchworm pushup, 5. inchworm push ups, 65 squats, 20 atomic pushup)
Peter O.: 16:14 (walking handstand attempts for 3 min, atomic pushup)
David C.: 16:00 (walking handstand attempts for 3 min)
Hanna G.: 18:11 (walking handstand attempts for 3 min)
Jenna B.: 17:34 (walking handstand attempts for 3 min, prom hspu)
Ronny J.: 17:30 (65 air squat, 15 inchworm + knee pushup, db shoulder press, 15-lbs.)
John J.: 19:30 (atomic around the worlds, 16 prom strict hspu)
RJ A.: 19:30 (atomic around the worlds, 20 atomic pushup)
John B.: 19:30 (walking handstand attempts for 3 min, 25 prom strict hspu)
Pedro L.: 19:30 (wall facing hold, atomic around the worlds, atomic pushup)
Bill M.: 17:00 (inchworm + pushup, prom hspu, 20 hspu)
Kate G.: 14:56
Nick W.: 18:54 (walking handstand attempts for 3 min, prom strict hspu)
Dave R.: 15:47
Matt R.: 17:01 (wall facing hold, atomic around the worlds, atomic pushup)
Matt A.: 17:44 (wall facing hold, atomic around the worlds, atomic pushup)
Jose R.: 19:30 (walking handstand attempts for 3 min, 25 hspu)
Chris P: 15:30 (prom hspu)
Mel F.: 18:00 (27 prom hspu)
Ben B.: 18:00 (wall facing hold, atomic around the world, atomic pushup)
Kiely W.: 18:00 (atomic around the world, atomic pushup/knee pushup)
Coleman: 17:40 (atomic around the world, atomic pushup)
Charlie S.: 17:04 (walks to the wall)
Zach D.: 14:47 (atomic around the world, 40x pushup)
Mike L: 18:00 (21 hspu)
Patrick T.: 18:00 (21 atomic pushup)
Jahari : 18:00 (atomic around the world, 15 hspu)
Sebastian : 18:00 (atomic around the world, 28 atomic pushup)
Robert C.: 18:00 (atomic around the world, 28 hspu)
Justin M.: 17:16 (atomic around the world, atomic pushup)
Tommy H.: 15:40 (atomic around the world)
Seth B.: 18:00 (atomic around the world, 20 hspu)
Stephen K.: 17:25
Rich H.: 15:33
Brent H.: 17:53 (atomic around the world)
Bill G.: 18:00 (atomic around the world, 20 strict hspu)
Nathan : 18:00 (atomic around the world, 12 atomic hspu)
John Sa.: 18:00 (atomic around the world, 7 prom HSPU)
Sean Q.: 13:51
Tyler S.: 18:00 (walks to the wall/handstand walk practice, prom squat, 14 prom hspu)
-MPH Outside the Box Scores-
Nathan A.: 19:30 (floor atomic)
Damund W.: 17:00 (50 squat per round, 35 pushup, floor atomic)