Saturday, October 29, 2022
CrossFit MPH – WOD
In Gym
“Rosemary Spice” as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 1000m row 75x step-up @ 50/35-lbs., 24/20″ platform 750m row 55x weighted step-up 500m row 35x weighted step-up 250m row 15x weighted step-up Compare results to October 31, 2021.
-MPH Inside the Box Scores-
Diana G.: 60m of 200m row, 15-lbs. (800/600/400/200m row, 50/30/20/10 step-up)
Rony J.: 207m of 500m row, 30-lbs.
Andrew S.: 410m of 500m row, 45-lbs.
Adrienne V.: 3 of 35 step-ups, 20-lbs.
Damund W.: 90m out of 500m, 25-lbs. (20")
Nathan A.: 1 of 20 step-ups 30-lbs. (75/30/20/10 step-up)
Kate B.: 2 step-ups out of 10, 20-lbs. (800/600/400/200m row, 50/30/20/10 step-up)
Edgar J.: 470m of 500m row, 35-lbs.
Mike A.: 35 of 55 step-ups, 35-lbs.
Leo J.: 500m of 500m row, 35-lbs. (25")
John Sh.: 420 of 500m row, 35-lbs. (20")
Chase H.: 6 of 35 step-ups, 40-lbs.
Rich H.: 30m of 250m row, 50-lbs.
Richard G.: 40m of 200m row, (800/600/400/200m row, 50/30/20/10 step-up)
Zach D.: 27 of 35 step up, 50-lbs.
Kate G.: 35-lbs.; 4 of 35 step-ups
Walt C.: 35-lbs.; 285 of 500m row
Haisheng Y.:35-lbs.; 200 of 500m row
Elliot M.:35-lbs.; 200 of 500m row
Jahari H.:50-lbs.; 500m row
Francesco M.:30-lbs.; 300 of 500m row
Yousi A.:30-lbs.; 60 of 500m row
Ishi B.:35-lbs.; 200 of 500m row
Joy L.:25-lbs.; 15 of 20 step ups (modified reps)
Nick C.:35-lbs.; 500m row
Sean G.:50-lbs.; 20 of 35 step ups
Mike L.: 50-lbs. 28 of 55 step ups
Kara K.: 35-lbs.; 2 of 35 step ups
Brenda B.: 20-lbs.; 140 of 200m row (modified reps)
Andrew C.: 45-lbs.; 42 of 55 step ups
Mel F.: 35-lbs.; 204 of 500m row
Lily S.: 35-lbs.; 243 of 500m row
Abbey O.: 20-lbs.; 340 of 500m row
Faris A.: 20-lbs.; 1 full round
Ben B.: 40-lbs.; 1 of 35 step ups
Chris T.: 45-lbs.; 153 of 500m row
Natsuda C.: 20-lbs.; 4 0f 10 (modified reps)
Al C.: 50-lbs.; 30 of 55
Patrick J.: 1 full round + 550 of 1000 (40-lbs weighted glute bridge)