Run/Row: Saturday, February 25, 2012
MPHR Workout #195 each for time: 4x 200m run + 3x 400m run Rest one minute between 200m repeats and 90 seconds between 400m repeats Compare results to LC MPHR Workout #68. Row Workout each for time: 4x 250m row + 3x 500m row Rest one minute between 250m repeats and 90 seconds between 500m […]
Run/Row: Saturday, February 18, 2012
MPHR Workout #192 each for time: 2x 1250m run Rest three minutes between repeats Deviate slower than five seconds per the worst interval, and foul Foul* = two-minutes max pushup Row Workout each for time: 2x 1500m row Rest three minutes between repeats Deviate slower than five seconds per the worst interval, and foul Foul* […]
Run/Row: Saturday, February 11, 2012
MPHR Workout #189 “Tosh 2” three rounds, each distance for time: 200m run –rest 200m time– 400m run –rest 400m time– 600m run –rest 600m time– Deviate slower than five seconds per the worst previous equivalent interval (distance) down the ladder, and foul Foul* = two-minutes max burpee You may foul more than once Compare […]
Run/Row: Saturday, February 4, 2012
MPHR Workout #186 each for time: 3x 800m run time trial, all-out effort Rest five minutes between repeats Row Workout each for time: 3x 1000m row time trial, all-out effort Rest five minutes between repeats
Run/Row: Saturday, January 28, 2012
MPHR Workout #183 each for time: 3x 1k run Rest three minutes between repeats Deviate slower than five seconds per the worst interval, and foul Foul* = two minutes max burpee Row Workout each for time: 3x 1200m row Rest three minutes between repeats Deviate slower than five seconds per the worst interval, and foul […]
Run/Row: Saturday, January 21, 2012
MPHR Workout #180 each for time: 4x 800m run Rest two minutes between repeats Deviate slower than three seconds per the worst interval, and foul Foul* = one-minute max burpee Compare results to MPHR Workout #48. Row Workout each for time: 2x 1000m row Rest two minutes between repeats Deviate slower than three seconds per […]
Run/Row: Saturday, January 14, 2012
MPHR Workout #177 for time: 5k run, at 85 percent of current (<three months) personal record at distance; if no current time exists, run at 85 percent RPE Row Workout for time: 5k row, at 85 percent of current (<three months) personal record at distance; if no current time exists, row at 85 percent RPE
Run/Row: Saturday, January 7, 2012
MPHR Workout #174 for time: 5k run time trial, all-out effort Compare results to SC MPHR Workout #146. Row Workout 5k row time trial, all-out effort Compare results to MPHR Workout #155.
Run/Row: Saturday, October 29, 2011
MPHR Workout #171 (All Sports) three rounds: 20-second effort trial, run all-out –rest 20″– 30-second effort trial, run all-out –rest 30″– 45-second effort trial, run all-out –rest 45″– one-minute effort trial, run all-out –rest 1′– Compare results to MPHR Workout #156.
Run/Row: Saturday, October 22, 2011
MPHR Workout #168 (All Sports) three rounds: one-minute run time trial, all-out effort -rest 1′- one-minute run time trial, all-out effort -rest 1′- one-minute run time trial, all-out effort -rest 1′- This workout is scored by the distance traveled in meters for each interval Deviate above or below the distance traveled in the first interval, […]