Of The Day

In Gym

Happy Birthday MPH! "Team Kalsu" In teams of two, 20 one-minute rounds, alternating partners every other minute: max thruster @ 135/95-lbs. At the top of each minute, both partners must each complete 5x burpee, before one moves to the thruster bar. The other partner rests for the remainder of the minute. This workout is scored by the total thrusters completed by both partners across all 20 rounds.

Of The Day

In Gym

as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 12x toes-to-bar 15x box jump, 24/20" platform 18x single-arm hang snatch @ 50/35-lbs.

Of The Day

In Gym

three rounds for time: 15x power clean @ 155/105-lbs. 21x wall ball @ 20/14-lbs.

Of The Day

In Gym

split jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then, three sets for quality: 10 single-arm dumbbell rotational shoulder press per side 10 per side: heavy dumbbell bent-over row

Of The Day

In Gym

five rounds for time: 12x alternating box step-up, 24/20" platform @ 50/35-lbs. 6x bar muscle-up --rest two minutes-- + five rounds: 12x alternating box step-up, 24/20" platform @ 50/35-lbs. 3x wall climb

Of The Day

In Gym

front squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 *Between each round, run 400m or row 500m. Begin each round every 4 minutes.

Of The Day

In Gym

for time: 42x pushup 21x deadlift @ 275/185-lbs. 21x calorie (row/bike/ski) 30x pushup 15x deadlift 15x calorie (row/bike/ski) 18x pushup 9x deadlift 9x calorie (row/bike/ski)

Of The Day

In Gym

as many repetitions as possible in 13 minutes: 6x pull-up 3x thruster @ 115/75-lbs. 12x pull-up 6x thruster 18x pull-up 9x thruster 24x pull-up 12x thruster ...continue adding three reps each round until time expires. then, take 8 minutes to build up to a heavy thruster single for the day.

Of The Day

In Gym

for time: 10-20-30-40-50 strict sit-up 50-75-100-125-150 double under *between each round, complete a 100m single-dumbbell farmer's carry @ 50/35-lbs.

Of The Day

In Gym

power snatch 2-2-2-2-2-2 Begin each round every 2.5 minutes. then, as many repetitions as possible in three minutes: power snatch @ 135/95-lbs.

Of The Day

In Gym

five rounds; begin every four minutes: 400m run 2x legless rope climb --or-- 3x rope climb option *Rest the remaining time each round. This workout is scored by your slowest time to completion from all five rounds.

Of The Day

In Gym

in teams of two, four rounds for time: 30x shoulder-to-overhead @ 135/95-lbs. *partners work one at a time* 60x goblet squat @ 50/35-lbs. *partners may work at the same time* 1000m row *partners work one a time* At Home: four rounds for time: 15x object push press --or-- atomic pushup 30x object goblet squat --or-- 45x air squat 400m run --or-- (50x high knees + 75x jumping jack)

Of The Day

In Gym

three rounds for time: 30x hang power clean @ 115/75-lbs. 30x burpee

Of The Day

In Gym

five rounds for time: 15x thruster @ 75/55-lbs. 15/12-calorie row 50m farmer's carry @ 100/70-lbs.

Of The Day

In Gym

“Nate" as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 2x ring muscle-up 4x handstand pushup 8x swing @ 70/55-lbs.

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: three rounds for time: 400m run 100x double under 10x front squat @ 225/155-lbs. At Home: three rounds for time: 400m run --or-- 25x (sit-up + max vertical jump) 100x lateral hop 10-15x heavy object front squat --or-- 50x air squat

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: row as many meters as possible in 16 minutes*. *At the top of all even minutes, perform 10 burpees. At Home: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 200m run --or-- 12x burpee 30x air squat

Of The Day

In Gym

In Gym: bench press 5-5-5-5-5-5 Begin each round every three minutes. then, as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes: 20x walking lunge 12x dumbbell push press @ 100/70-lbs. At Home: as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 20x walking lunge 20x object push press --or-- atomic pushup 15x pushup

Of The Day

In Gym

for time: 21-15-9 hang power snatch @ 115/75-lbs. pull-up box jump, 24/20" platform At Home for time: 21-15-9 2x object single-arm snatch --or-- 3x superman pull-up option 2x lunge jump

Of The Day

In Gym

back squat 5-5-5-5-5-5 Begin each round every four minutes. then, “Ab Domination” four rounds for quality: 10-15x straddle v-up 20-30x hollow rock 15x barbell good morning @ 95/65-lbs.

Of The Day

In Gym

On a running clock at 0:00, complete: 15-12-9-6-3 toes-to-bar overhead lunge @ 115/75-lbs. at 0:12, complete: 18-15-12-9-6-3 wall ball @ 20/14-lbs., 10/9-ft. burpee

Of The Day

In Gym

as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes: 15x deadlift @ 135/95-lbs. 10x push jerk 5x strict handstand pushup

Of The Day

In Gym

for time: 400m run 15x box jump, 30/24" platform 400m run 20x box jump, 24/20"platform 400m run 25x box jump, 20" platform 400m run

Of The Day

In Gym

Closed - July 4th Holiday

Of The Day

In Gym

every minute, on-the-minute, for 18 minutes: minute 1: 20x swing @ 55/35-lbs. minute 2: 15/12 calorie row minute 3: 5x strict pull-up + 10x pushup + 15x air squat

Of The Day

In Gym

3 power clean + 5 front squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Begin each round every 3.5 minutes.

Of The Day

In Gym

four rounds for time: 21x push press @ 115/75-lbs. 200m weighted med ball run @ 20/14-lbs.

Of The Day

Of The Day

In Gym

five rounds for time: 60x double under 200m run 10x strict ring dip

Of The Day

In Gym

for time: 70x box step-up, 24/20" platform @ 50/35-lbs. 65x front squat @ 95/65-lbs. 60x weighted sit-up @ 50/35-lbs. 55x thruster @ 95/65-lbs. At Home: for time: 70x object lunge --or-- 80x lunge 65x object front squat --or-- squat jump 60x weighted sit-up --or-- rotational sit-up 55x object thruster --or-- lunge jump